Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The answer is always right before your eyes...

We live in a world where everyone is constantly wishing you a "Blessed" day. This just drives me to distraction. If you have an understanding of any faith, you would realize that there are several issues with the over use of this phrase which cause problems.

I'm not saying you can't wish people a "Blessed" day. If that is what you feel you must do to mark yourself as a good person, go right ahead. Just don't expect  me to gush with gratitude at your automatic and most likely thoughtless remark.  I always appreciate someone's good wishes but, I happen to know that you wishing me a "Blessed" day means nothing for one simple reason. I am alive and therefore I am enjoying the Blessings of my Faith.

You see, our lives are the greatest Blessing we can have. Look around you. Life is amazing! Amid all the ugliness in the world, you can always find some beauty. It may be the sunrise over a field or a child's smile. It may be the smell of a meal, lovingly prepared by someone who cares more about you than themselves. Two dogs romping in the back yard or playing with your children. All examples of Blessings.

For me, two of the most wonderful blessings I ever received were the return of my two Marine Corps children, safe and sound upon completion of their service obligation.

If you are lucky enough to have Grandchildren, you don't need to hear a word about Blessings or being Blessed. You already know that you are. You are reminded each and every time you look into your grandchild's eyes.

Let's move on to more practical matters. This month marks 2 years since doctors at the Naval Medical Center, Portsmouth, VA cut open my heart and repaired it. I am alive today because of the skill of those amazing doctors. I can never thank them enough for what they have done for me.

Some will say that it was God who gave those doctors the skills to save my life. That may indeed be so but, I'm not here to discuss my personal Faith. The bottom line is, I am alive today, that is the blessing.

2 years ago, I was in some grave condition. I am not in that condition any longer. I am alive and in relatively good health. Sure, I take a handful of medications each morning. I take a smaller handful in the afternoon and even fewer at bed time but, that is a small price to pay to be alive.

My point is, as long as you are alive, you have a fighting chance. All problems are transient. They will be solved with careful thought and some effort.

Be humble. You don't have to take credit for everything. Let the other guy shine if that is what they must do. It's their ego, not yours. I'm talking about everyday situations, not the corporate world. The corporate world is a whole other post that I don't even want to touch.

Enjoy the world around you and appreciate what you have. Trust me, there is always someone who is having a worse day than you. Be glad for your friendships and know who your friends and acquaintances are. Know the difference.

If you can live life on life's own terms; accepting the good and the not so good, you are far ahead of the game and you will find that you will be much happier. Some may even say Blessed.

So, wish me a "Blessed" day if you must. I won't give you a lecture, I'll just smile but, know that I already understand the blessings in my life. It's standing right in front of you.

As always...