Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Fall of America...

It is said that the cause of the fall of the Roman Empire was the continued dilution of the Roman culture by the so called "Barbarians"; those peoples from the conquered lands.

It started with language and moved on to permeate all areas of the culture until, with a loss of identity, the Empire fell.

We can draw many parallels to this phenomenon today. I'd like to start with the use of language.

The primary language spoken in the United States of America is English. Now, I grant you; the British people may argue that we speak a dialect of English and should call our language "American." I can go along with this label.

There are usually three forms of a language spoken. Formal, conversational and casual. Formal English would be that which you see in the written word. Grammar and spelling are checked and every effort is made to ensure the final product is as close to accepted formal language as possible. This would also be true for the spoken word in formal circumstances (formal social gatherings, lectures, interviews etc.).

Conversational language is that form of the language which is used in (surprise!) conversation. It is less formal than the above and minor slips in grammar are acceptable. Further, the use of local "idiom" is acceptable in conversational language.

Finally, we come to the least structured and often times, the most confusing form of language. Casual.  Casual language is that speech that you might use at a family gathering or the breakfast table with just one or 2 people present. Those people would usually be close friends or family members where the slide into less strict grammar is forgiven. The use of casual language is very tricky. When I was growing up, I could use casual english with my older brother but never in the presence of my parents or my sister. Many times I was admonished that "You are not attending private school to speak public school english!" Casual language is often used in industrial situations and in situations where brevity is required.

All this being said, I do not want to give anyone the impression that completely made up words and grammar is ever acceptable. If you will continue with me, I would like to give a few examples.

The great offender to my ear is the word "DISRESPECT". The word; until a few years ago was a noun. It means to act or show a lack of respect. It is NOT a verb. Well, of course; in the name of mediocrity, it appears in the dictionary as a verb (informal). I'm sorry. You will never hear me say that I was disrespected. "Someone spoke in a disrespectful manner. " "He was disrespectful to my sister." That's how we speak in all but the street. When did the language of the street become acceptable? I have heard "talking heads" on National News programs use the word disrespect as a verb. Do these people not have editors?

CONVERSATE: This is not a word, people. If you hear someone say they are "conversating" with their friend, run for the hills! The correct usage would be: "They are having a conversation with a friend." You can converse and therefore are carrying on a conversation. But, NEVER conversate. I enjoy watching Judge Judy Sheindlin. When someone comes in her court room and uses that word, she corrects them and tells them that CONVERSATE is NOT a word.

The proper response to "Thank You" is "You're Welcome." not "No prob." or a grunt. While we are on the subject of manners, may I also mention that it is not acceptable to use profanity in the presence of you mother or any other woman.  I know of no culture where profanity and gutter language is acceptable in the presence of women. Most of my friends are women and I can assure you that I do not routinely use unacceptable language when dealing with them.

Some will say that I am letting my conservative side show. Well, maybe I am but, I am not talking about "Family Values" in the way politicians do. I am saying that it takes an entire family to raise children. I am saying that it is not the responsibility of just the schools to keep kids out of trouble and ensure that they grow to be productive members of society. Parents must lead their children.

One of the police shooters in New York City had a father who did an interview with the news. This father blamed "the streets" and the United States Marine Corps for the issues his son had and thus, the shooting. Pardon me Sir. Look in the mirror. The responsibility rests squarely on your shoulders and those of your son.

Fewer children would fall to the "streets" if their parents had ensured that they were busy and belonged to a real family while they grew up. Gang members routinely say that they joined the gang to gain a sense of belonging and "family." If more parents raised their children and ensured that they were busy with productive pursuits like Scouting maybe there would be less need to feel like belong to a family and more of actually belonging to their family.

I realize that my solutions seem simplistic and perhaps they are but, it's my blog and I can sound off if I want to.  Let's reinstate the draft, just  for Recruit training. Everyone gets to go to Paris Island for 12 week or how ever long it takes to graduate. I promise that everyone will feel like they are part of a family after that training and part of something much bigger then themselves.

I could have written about more grammar errors but, my fingers were rebelling and I was getting a headache. My old English teacher was spinning in his grave as I typed.