Tuesday, April 1, 2014

If I didn't read it, I wouldn't believe it...(or Stupid News)...

I enjoy reading my news. I read all sorts of things: Politics, National News, International happenings and "Human Interest" stories. Sometimes, I run across news stories that seem so stupid that it's hard to believe that they could even be thought of, forget true. I'm sure you have all seen stories that fit this category and have thought that there is little hope for the species if these people are the future, forget about our culture. With this all in mind, I have picked a couple of the best for your enjoyment or horror. It depends on your point of view. Just remember what the comedian says: "You can't fix Stupid."

Our first story begins with a young "Lady" who doesn't know that people other than her friends read the Social Media page "Facebook." It seems that back in February, this young woman of 21 years had been contacted by her probation officer and told to report for a breathalyzer examination. This was in accordance with the terms of the woman's probation. (She was on probation for a DUI offense.) Our heroine reported to her probation officer and had the breathalyzer test administered. She passed and was sent on her way.

Upon returning home, she accessed her personal Facebook page and updated her status. (I paraphrase here as I can't write in the non-english language she used.) "What a buzzkill. Had to go to probation and get breathalyzer (sic). Thank goodness I passed cuz I was out getting wasted last night." Unfortunately, for this flower of American Womanhood,  a law enforcement officer saw the post. (You really should know who you "friend" on Social Media.) As was his duty to do, he reported his discovery to probation. The woman was contacted by her probation officer who, was not pleased at all with the probationer's reported conduct and was told to report immediately for a urinalysis.

Our offender decided that the best way to handle this new development in her legal entanglements was to HANG UP on her probation officer. Now, I have never been on probation but, I do know people who have been. From what they tell me and what I can deduce from other sources; probation officers don't take to kindly to being hung up on. Our alleged offender has a court appearance today. I find it ironic that it's April Fools day.

Stupid News, Part 2.

My youngest son hates the gym "Planet Fitness." I've asked him why and he won't give me a specific answer. I use this establishment and find no fault but, to be fair; I'm an old, fat Sailor and no one will ever accuse me of being a poster boy for physical fitness. I exercise to keep my blood sugar down and my heart working, per doctor's orders. Perhaps this next story is an example as to why my son dislikes this particular organization.

A recent news photo showed an attractive woman in exercise clothing with a caption: "Woman asked to leave Planet Fitness for being too fit."

Excuse me? Isn't that the goal? Planet Fitness defends this policy by saying that the woman's fitness level might offend less fit members. You've got to be kidding me! From my point of view, I would be asking this woman what she did to get and stay so wonderfully fit and would she become my exercise buddy? Planet Fitness should hire her as a spokesperson to show what regular attendance at their facilities can achieve!

I understand that this gym has a policy of not making the less fit feel bad when compared to the more fit but, this is just a stupid situation that should never have happened. As a result of this, I will be canceling my Planet Fitness membership when the year is up (June or July, I think) and joining another "Health Club". It's worth the money in my book not to enrich a company that carries a well meaning policy to extremes. There are plenty of gyms out there. I'll pick one.

Stupid News, Part 3.

Finally, we come to the dumbest and most concerning of all the stupid news stories of late. A 5 year old in an undisclosed Orlando, FL elementary school was prevented from Praying before eating her lunch. She told her parents that she was told by the "lunch teacher" that praying was "bad." When the child tried to pray a second time, she was stopped by the same teacher.  When asked by the parents about this, the school principle stated that he had looked into the incident and no one on the staff remembers ever telling any child that they could not pray at lunch time. (Big surprise.)

Just a reminder for all those who need it. The Constitution prohibits the establishment of a religion by the Government. It doesn't mandate the absence of any religion. Furthermore: the First Amendment guarantees that the "Free exercise" of religion shall not be prohibited. Although the school may be prohibited from promoting a prayer during instructional time, it certainly is appropriate for a child to "give thanks" for her meal prior to eating it.  School employees obviously require further training and closer supervision. I wouldn't buy the "no one remembers" excuse from the principle either.

That's the "Stupid News" for now. I hope you all have enjoyed it. Enjoy your "April Fools Day."

As always...

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