Sunday, June 15, 2014

Dear Abby...

First of all...Happy Father's Day to all those Dads, Granddads and those posing as "Dad". I hope you all enjoy your day.

Now, on to the subject at hand. I read with interest a "Dear Abby" column this morning from a woman who's mother-in-law watches her children "free" of charge but always asks her to bring a pack of cigarettes over. The young mother doesn't like doing this and wanted a way to tell her mother-in-law how she felt.

"Abby" advised the woman to look on the American Lung Association web site and research the ill effects of second hand smoke on children and then use that as a reason to not buy the cigarettes. Abby, your advice is usually good but, in this case it's not quite on the mark.

Having been a smoker for 40+ years and now a non-smoker, I can tell you that the only way to get someone you care about to quit is to be straight up and honest with them. Our letter writer need not find an excuse such as her children's health to avoid buying cigarettes. She need only say: "Mom, I have nothing but love for you and do so greatly appreciate you watching the children for me. However, your smoking is not healthy for you or any of us. I know you want to see the children grow and become adults and for those and many other reasons, I will no longer enable your smoking habit.

For the cost of a pack of cigarettes, you can get a bouquet of fresh flowers at Walmart or a convenience store. Bring her the flowers instead. The house will smell better and they look nice too.

The letter writer said that her mother-in-law had been trying to quit for years. This action would help her by making it inconvenient for her to smoke.

Of course, there is always the open heart surgery option for quitting. It worked for me. But, it doesn't work for everyone.

I guess my point is simple: If there is someone in your life you would like to quit smoking, tell them! Don't make excuses. None are necessary.

For all my friends who still smoke: I wish you would quit. But, if you continue I will remain right by your side, as I always have been. I know, when the time is right for YOU, it will happen. But, I won't be bringing a pack of smokes over to your house for you.

As Always...

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