Monday, June 16, 2014

If we can "force march" our children, let's bring back the whip!

Well, I've been reading the news again. This is a dangerous activity for me. When I read the news, I start to think. When I think, I get kind of angry at the just downright dumb things people do.

Today's news story winner is: Tammy Holland. The principle of Manchester Elementary School, located just outside of Fayetteville, NC.

The problem was simple. Several children failed to wear their school uniforms on the last day of the school year. Did Ms. Holland gather the offending children in the office or auditorium and notify parents? Did she direct teachers to give the offending children an incomplete for the final day? Did she just shrug her shoulders and say; "Oh well, it's the last day of school. Kids will be kids." ?

No! Not our heroic educator and molder of young minds. She allowed her ego to take over and decided to "think outside of the box", WAY, WAY outside of the box. She directed that the offending children be taken to the school's dirt track and be forced to trudge around outside, in the heat, without water until a parent either produced a uniform or picked their child up. Wow! They are serious down in North Carolina. Is forced marching in the school district handbook?

During this "punishment march" the temperatures  climbed beyond the high 70's and humidity made the temperature seem worse. But, staff was forbidden to administer hydration to the children .

When the one parent who was quoted in the news story was contacted by the school, she was neither told of the emergent nature of the situation or the urgency required in getting to school.

The superintendent of the school district has said that "IF" there is an issue, it will be addressed.

In this day and age of political correctness and "fairness" to all, how can a school administrator think that this solution was the correct action to take? All of this because of a uniform infraction which was a miscommunication to begin with.

If there is an issue was the question. I think it is fairly obvious that there is an issue with Ms. Holland.  After this incident, I would not trust her with the safety of a goldfish! Forget about any child.

Heat illness are life threatening. Anyone working at any task outside in heat and humidity needs to stay hydrated. The human body goes from well regulated to overheated and shut down in a matter of minutes! Children are very susceptible to this type of injury. Yes, even children know to stay hydrated. Who remembers drinking water from the nearest garden hose as a child? I sure do.

One day last week, my wife was working on one of her projects outside in the heat and failed to stay hydrated. She suffered horrible cramps and nausea. Not to mention nearly debilitating headaches. It took 2 days before she was feeling like herself again.

I hope Ms. Holland is removed as principle of the school in question and is not put in charge of children in any other school.

For the rest of us, stay hydrated. If you are outside, bring a water bottle and use it.  Better to drink a little water (Not soda) and remain healthy than risk overheating and winding up in the hospital, or worse.

As always...

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