Monday, November 10, 2014

Veteran's Day and what it means to me.

Today is the day that Veteran's Day will be observed but, traditionally, the observance is marked on the 11th day of November. This stems from the end of World War I. The hostilities were to end at the 11th hour on the 11 day of the 11th month. Armistice day was "born."

The name remained until 1954 when in October of that year, President Dwight Eisenhower signed a Presidential Proclamation changing the name to Veteran's Day. The Federal Government always observes holidays on a Monday with few exceptions and so, this year, Banks will be closed and there will be no mail delivery even though the actual holiday is tomorrow; 11 November.

To my mind, every day should be Veteran's day. I say this not because I am a Veteran but, because we, as a people owe so much to the Veterans who have willingly given so much to this country and our way of life. Without those who were willing to serve and those who still serve today, who knows what our country and in fact; the world we live in would be like.

There are still Veterans of the Second World War surviving, although their numbers dwindle daily. Many of my generation have family members who served in the Korean War (I can't call it a conflict. Read the history. it was a war.) Of course, there are tens of thousands of Veterans of Vietnam and later wars.

The amazing thing about all the Veterans is that most did not need to be drafted and all after 1975 have volunteered. Most of you know that the United States has an "all volunteer" military but, unless you have served, do you know what the promise those men and women make in order to serve?

I'm sure few of you know the specifics. Many civilians think of the military as just a "Government Job." Sure there might be some danger involved but, on the whole, people who serve in the military are just to lazy or uneducated to get a "real" job.

These statements have been made to me in the past and I have even seen them in print as recently as this past summer, during the congressional campaigns. Those statements are made by uninformed, ignorant people who really have no business talking about anything they know nothing about.

Beyond the intelligence required to complete modern military training, I'd like to just mention the one thing that separates once and for all, military from civilian work.

Members of the United States Military promise to give their life for their country. I know no stock broker or news reporter or op-ed writer who is required to make that promise as a condition of employment.

There is a document which all members of the U. S. Armed Forces must sign. It's call the "Code of Conduct" for members of the Armed Forces of the United States.

I've mentioned this before but, it bears mentioning again:

Article 1.

I am a member of the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
I serve in the forces that guard our country and our way of life.
I am prepared to give my life in their defense.

Each and every member of the service since after the Korean War has had to make that same promise, in writing. The code goes on and talks about conduct in combat, in command and if captured. But, for the purposes of this blog the relevant portion is quoted (From Memory).

We, as a Nation owe all our Veteran's a debt which can never be repaid. Many Veterans suffer invisible injuries which they carry with them for the rest of their lives. As they bore their service, they bare the burden of their injuries in silence, with dignity and grace. So, today; please remember all of our Veterans. Thank them for their service and the unbelievable sacrifice each has made to secure the freedom of our Nation.

To all my family who are Veterans and all my friends who proudly can use the term: Veteran, I thank each of you for your service, sacrifice and dedication to duty and all of us.

I pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with Liberty and Justice for all.

As always...

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