Sunday, April 26, 2015

Pure of heart.

******I will do my best not to make generalized statements in the following********

Bruce Jenner, whom I remember as an Olympian rather than a "Kardashian"; had his interview in which he "came out" as Transgendered, air this past Friday. Now, I don't really care what Bruce does, as long as it doesn't hurt someone else so, that's my opinion about that issue. However, I was rather surprised when, during the interview he stated that his political leanings were more conservative than liberal. That statement, rather than the gender identification garnered the hate responses on social media. 

I have friends who are "liberal" and other who are "conservative". I consider myself well versed in political affairs and hold no grudge against anyone who has a position which doesn't agree with my own. That is, after all; our right as Americans.  However, I do feel a need to speak up when views are expressed which are hateful or degrading.

I thought the Democratic mantra was one of inclusion and caring for all. After all, they tout themselves as the protector of everyone and everything. It seems, from social media posts that the liberals will "have your back" only as far as your politics agree with theirs. 

On my Facebook page, I found the comments of one, usually level headed Democrat, to be down right offensive! Trust me. I'm a Sailor. It's really hard to offend me. I guess it wasn't what this person was saying but the fact that he had shown himself to be such a huge hypocrite.  However, if he saw the same hypocrisy in a Republican, you can be sure that a snide and sarcastic comment would be quick to spring forth.

Another comment that stuck out in my memory was found on "Instagram". This protector of the people's rights stated that he had all the sympathy in the world for Mr. Jenner until he revealed that he was a conservative. 

People who voice opinions of intolerance for opposing ideas in the name of liberalism don't even realize what they are doing. By refusing to even listen to other points of view, they limit ideas and intellectual growth. In fact, they are standing to destroy the very thing that they propose to protect. 

Rather than be shocked that Bruce has conservative political leanings, I am more saddened by the fact that at 65 years old, he is only now able to take the steps necessary for his own happiness. In all the comments I read, no one made that observation. Imagine how miserable this person must have felt for so many years, living a lie; all in the name of "not wanting to disappoint anyone."

Liberal or Conservative, Democrat or Republican, Libertarian, Green or whatever label you place on yourself politically, some thought before you speak or write might be useful. Hateful comments or statements in the name of a political position only contributes to the strife which seems pervasive in this country. Everyone is looking for a reason to hate or dislike anyone whom they perceive as in some way different. 

What do you value? What are YOUR values? They are yours alone. If you are going to broadcast them, you should attempt to live up to them.

If I were to meet Bruce, I'd say "Good for you. I hope you find the happiness you seek." I wouldn't mention his politics. They are not relevant to the conversation.

By the way, I have friends whom I disagree with regularly. We discuss our opinions and learn from each other. There is no intolerance involved. Imagine that.

As always. 

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