Thursday, May 14, 2015

Don't take life's gifts for granted.

Followers of my Facebook page will already know of the passing of my younger brother, Phil. At 54 years old, we can all agree that he was to young to die.

It would seem that he had undiagnosed diabetes and after developing a wound to his foot, as often happens to diabetics; the wound developed an infection and Phil became septic. after almost 2 weeks in the hospital he succumbed to the massive infection. My younger brother leaves behind a beautiful 14 year old daughter.

A tragic story indeed. But, is that the real story? I submit that the reasons for my brother's premature passing go much deeper than a systemic infection. My brother, like so many others; took life for granted. The gifts he had been given were taken at simply face value and so he did not take care of himself thus, taking care of those gifts.

You see, we are all diminished by the premature death of family and friends when that death can easily be prevented. My brother did not take care of his health and we, the survivors are left to pick up the pieces and clean up the mess.

His passing is difficult for all of his friends and family but it will be most difficult for his young daughter. At 14, she is at the age where she really needs her father's guidance most. Instead, all she will have are memories and a space where her Dad should have been.

You can see by the picture that my brother had a great smile. To go with that smile, he had a quick sense of humor and a sharp intellect.   He taught himself to play guitar and was in a band. He loved history and would read constantly. His coworkers were amazed at the voluminous knowledge Phil seemed to have on nearly every subject. he was a product of our father's household. We were told to learn as much about everything as possible. 

I will miss my brother. 

But, I have said many times that everything is a training opportunity. This tragic death is no exception. Phil died because he did not pay attention to his health. We all must constantly pay attention to our health. Make a good faith effort to follow the common sense instructions of our doctors. Eat a healthier diet. Include lots of green leafy veggies in that diet.

For goodness sake, don't wait until you are laid out on the floor, unable to move before you go to a doctor. All this advice seems silly. It's all common sense. But, if my brother had followed these simple rules he most likely would be alive today. That is the shame of it.

This death was entirely preventable. I can say this with authority because I too am diabetic. I control my blood sugar and check it several times a day. I visit the doctor as request. I've learned some innovative ways to cook vegetables and they are very good!

So, the training lesson for today is simple. Don't take life for granted. Cherish it. Take good care of it.

Phil rests now. I know we will meet again.

As always...

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