Monday, May 25, 2015

Double standards have just got to stop!

This morning I was skimming through Facebook and came across a story which peeked my interest. A young girl in school was wearing a long dress with a halter top. The top of the dress (pictured above) left the girl's shoulders and back bare. Folks, I am the father of two women which means they were once young girls. I have a small granddaughter. I am conservative in my beliefs but, I find nothing wrong with this young woman's attire!

She was told that her clothing caused a "sexual distraction" for the male students. Eventually, she was sent home. I take issue with this attitude on many levels.

I would like to say at the outset that I believe that this is an appropriate topic for discussion on Memorial Day since Freedom is why those we remember today died.

On to my reasons for ire of this school's policy.

1. Is the school concerned that the girl will be attacked by some sex starved young male? I find this hard to believe. I would think that rather than this young woman's clothing being a sexual distraction to any male student, the problem lies firmly in the office of the administrator who took action against the student. The Vice Principle was sending a clear message to the parent of this young woman and the woman herself that she does not approve of the clothing (or could it be the body art which is so prominently on display?). Either way, as a parent I would be insulted. The student in question was indeed exercising her right of free expression.

As for the sexual component. In a note to the Vice Principle, the student pointed out that if her attire was in fact a "sexual" distraction to the male students, should not action be taken to teach those male students self control? On Target, young lady! Exactly the correct point.

Males can wear almost anything they want and it is considered just fine. If a woman shows a little skin or wears "to much" make-up, all of a sudden she is a sexual distraction? It's no wonder sexual assault is such a huge problem in society.

Have we gone back to the 1980's when rapists could get off at trial because the poor victim was dress provocatively?

How about we teach these "sexually distracted" males a little self control and maybe some consequences. Some good old fashioned manners would be a good place to start. I'll teach the class. FOR FREE!

Just let one "distracted" male make a comment or gesture in my presence. Let me hear about it. I can promise you, it will be the last time he will be "sexually distracted" for a very long time.

I have always maintained that people should be able to wear whatever they feel comfortable wearing. It is up to the rest of us to deal with it. We, as  civilized people adjust to new styles of dress. It's that simple. There's nothing new about a halter top, by the way.

I found this young woman's dress to be completely appropriate for the activity in which she was engaged. Because an administrator decided to exercise power is no reason to stifle a student's right to dress as she pleases.

Some reading this may argue that there may be a dress code. Dress codes in the public schools have been routinely found by the courts to be unconstitutional.

It is my hope that young women continue to push the boundaries to assert their rights.  Those who died for our freedoms; remembered this day, would expect no less.

As always...

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