Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Standing by your beliefs may be harder than you think...

We each have a set of principles which we use to guide our actions and decision making.  These principles can be a philosophy or set of "core values." Maybe you believe in a set of Devine rules like the 10 Commandments. These are just a few examples of the types of guides we, as civilized people, use to help us make decisions in our daily lives.

No matter what principles you live by, situations come up in life which are easy to reconcile with our particular beliefs. In those cases, no matter what you believe, I have no problem with you. My problem  occurs when your stated belief system interferes with your desires of the time. We all see this phenomenon every day.

Hypocrites are the most common type of "sinner" you find. They can be found every day, in every place. You don't like the rules of your belief system for some reason so, let's abandon it! Let's go find something that seems more trendy and "hip". There is always something else in vogue that will afford me the recognition I so dearly crave and rightly deserve.

I have an extended family member who, disliking the Catholic church and it's form of Christian worship, switched to the Southern Baptist Church in College. Fine. But, when that Church's rules conflicted with their desires, another change was in order and then another. Finally, it was back to home plate and the Catholic Church was happy to take my family member back.

But, as it is with people who believe in only themselves, this person soon became unhappy with the ways of the Catholic Church. Now it was time to put the Episcopal Church to the test.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with any of the Churches mentioned above. I have no issue with any faith besides my own. I have an issue with someone professing to believe in something when it's easy and abandoning those beliefs when the going gets difficult.

Are the doctrines we live by just words? I can read the Torah but, that doesn't make me Jewish. I can read the Koran and similarly, I have not become a Muslim. The words in these sacred books must be more than just words.

If you are a Christian, The words of the Bible mean more to you than just a written history.

In the past, I have spoken of the Core Values of the Department of the Navy. Honor, Courage and Commitment. I believe in those words. I fully understand their meaning and do my best to live by their spirit. To me, they are NOT just three lofty sounding words.

I discussing the problem of sexual assault in the military with an officer a couple of weeks ago. We agreed on two things. The reason it is such a problem in the military is because it is part of the culture. Worse yet, the Core Values of the services have become "just words." Yes, they are taught to everyone and refresher training is given but, the military culture does not hold everyone's feet to the fire and require that they live by those values and thus, they are just words.

So, those guiding principles have been, in many ways; abandoned.

In short, we wind up in the same situation as the person who jumps from one belief system to another. We wind up with a culture that believes in nothing at all.

My friends, don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in. When it is difficult is when your beliefs need you most. Your opinion may not be popular but, it's yours and you will be respected for standing up.

By the way, my family member now professes to be Buddhist. I won't even get into that.

I hope my ramblings have given you something to think about or at least entertained you.

As always...

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