Monday, August 26, 2013

Occasionally, events in life are of such import that they cause me to pause. During these pauses in the hustle and bustle of daily life, I think. Hence, the name of this blog. It IS indeed dangerous to think. I warn my readers to strap yourselves in and prepare for some rough seas. I am going to say some things that in many circles in our society may step on toes. I am not going to be politically correct. In fact, I will most likely be blunt. With all that said, I quote Jackie Gleason; And away we go!

Last week, I read a news story about a retired United States Navy, First Class Petty Officer (Cryptologic Technician) who was convicted of espionage when he attempted to sell highly classified information to the Russian Federation. No folks, it is not 1980, it is indeed 2013 and things like this do happen. The story of the former Navy member's reprehensible conduct upset me beyond words.  I served as a Cryptologic Technician while in the Navy. Frankly friends, I was disgusted that this criminal was associated with the Navy I love. 

Moving right along. Today, I was at the Naval Hospital for my physical therapy. While there, I was engaged in conversation with a woman who told me that her job is to give Sexual Assault Awareness training to members of the Department of the Navy in this area. This was interesting to me. So, we talked.  This conversation was both interesting and informative. As it turns out, she told me that I do "get it" and it's to bad more "old salts" didn't have my attitude. Well, I'm one happy Sailor at this point.

The final piece of the puzzle which brings my pen to paper was another news story. This one involved a Commanding Officer of a Navy Aircraft Squadron. It was reported that after a preliminary investigation, this Commander had been relieved for having an inappropriate sexual relationship with a member of his command.

OK Folks! My head has exploded. This was the end of the line for me. What has happened to our society? Where do people get the idea that it is OK to do these things. I will not accept this in the military or in the Civilian sector of society. It's time that we speak out. That is what I am doing here. Speaking out! It may not have much of an effect on society as a whole but, I will feel better. Maybe someone will see this and pass it on to someone with a louder voice than mine.

I will talk specifically about the sexual behavior as it is a symptom of the larger problem. For around a year, I have been reading stories from the Navy stating that the problem of sexual assault has grown to epidemic proportions within the military. The Chain-of-Command, from the Chief of Naval Operations on down has stated that their number 1 goal is to put a stop to Sexual Assault in the Navy.

The goal of putting a stop to this horrible crime is laudable. I hear of all sorts of training and classes being taught to combat the problem. As usual, the government is trying to put a band-aid on a bullet wound. It is a fundamental principle of leadership that in order to correct behavior, the leader must understand the cause of the misconduct and fix that cause.

As I see it, the assaults we see in the service are a consequence of lack of discipline. With this comes a lack of respect. There is a lack of self-respect by the aggressors, a lack of respect of the individual victims and worse yet, an institutional lack of respect for all hands.

While at the Hospital last week, a young Petty Officer was leaning against a counter in his service uniform with his hands in his pockets as he had a conversation with a subordinate. The slovenly wearing of the uniform seems to be accepted since I notice it is wide spread. Shoes in need of polish and personnel in need of haircuts are just small symptoms of an undisciplined force.

You may ask why I speak of seemingly trivial issues when talking about somthing so large as Sexual Assault. Simply put; if our Sailors and Marines are made to look and act as Sailors and Marines, they will rise to the occasion. It is a fact that people rise and fall with the expectations placed upon them.

Leadership starts from the top. We can no longer accept leaders who skate by with the excuse that their transgressions are personal and have nothing to do with the performance of their duties. Commands must create a culture of LIVING our Core values of Honor, Courage and Commitment. Take the core values off the walls and become the living embodiment of those values.

Every member of our society has the responsibility to say something if they see a wrong. By letting it go, we accept it. Everyone is entitled to RESPECT. Stand up and demand it. If it is not forthcoming, find someone who will correct the situation, regardless of the consequences.

Men need to stop referring to women as "Females". Calling a woman a Female dehumanizes her. Of course, once she is dehumanized; it becomes easy to behave disrespectfully. In our military, women are routinely referred to as females. Let's put a stop to that. Treat these fine women with the respect they deserve.

Nearly a year ago, I nearly died. The Doctor who diagnosed my cardiac issues was a woman. 99 percent of her team are women also. I would be hard pressed to find a better group of medical professionals any place in the world. I have nothing but respect for these fine professionals.

By the way, these same women wear the uniform of the UNITED STATES NAVY. They are my sisters in arms. I will gladly fight by their side. Say the word.


  1. Hmmm. I agreed on almost everything. Except...and you know me...I pick. Yes our 'female' Sailors, Marines, and Soldiers are indeed "Sailors, Marines, and Soldiers." But... You must be forgetting the era in which they were referred to as 'women in service" (declare a branch). There were other terms...all much more servile than "Female." Some were almost derogatory.
    You also know, I am very proud to be a woman. I don't find the term "female" offensive. Why should you?
    Using such a word does not dehumanize anyone. It is a designation of gender. Period. And as the requirements and jobs become equal...that term will also fall by the wayside.
    The disrespect, with which some people treat others...has little to do with 'terms' and everything to do with their view of themselves, and their need to have power over others.
    Discipline, or the lack there-of, I won't debate. That may or may not be prevalent.
    However I do find the abhorrent conduct to be nothing new. It has always been roughly 10% of the population. It remains roughly 10% of the population. It is only now, with instant 'news' that the perception of it occurring more.
    This same conduct went on in "your Navy". It was just buried, unless it was so egregious as to ruffle the feathers of higher ups.
    Do I condone it. NO. But I also know, with no doubt, that it is not because someone puts their hands in their pockets, or uses the word "female."
    It is a human failing, that can only be fixed at it's source...the human heart and mind.

    1. The above was by no means meant as a "cure all". Rather, "Food for thought" then anything else. It is difficult to cure the heart and mind. We have to develop a culture where it is unacceptable for the good ol' boys to be just that. I don't have a complete answer, I just want folks to think. Maybe instill a little personal accountability. Thinking and personal accountability, not new concepts but certainly out of fashion it may seem.

  2. The disrespect still exists because it is tolerated. But I have to say this; many women join the military with the "I'm a bad ass too" attitude but then get butt hurt when some man/child starts harassing them... sometimes big girl panties just need to be worn.
