Thursday, August 29, 2013

Happy Labor Day Weekend!!

Today would have been my older brother's 59th Birthday. Happy Birthday, Mickey.

It's Labor Day weekend. The scene above will be replayed over and over, throughout the country. Overseas, wherever Americans reside, Barbecue in the back yard is a holiday tradition. Go outside in late afternoon in your neighborhood and you will smell the aroma of burning charcoal.

I like the convienence of a gas grill. Turn a valve and push a button and with a satisfying "WOOSH", the flames are lit and you are off to the races, cooking. But, for taste, nothing beats the tried and true Webber style grill. These black orbs hold ample amounts of charcoal briquets  and are large enough to cook anything, including a holiday turkey. Charcoal grills are truly monuments to the American Suburban Household.

There's something primal about cooking on open flame. I'm sure my psychologist sisters can tell me all about the primal reasons for our love of outdoor cooking. I could even make educated guesses as to why we all enjoy it so much. But, I'll just say, we do enjoy it at our house. Living in the Mid-Atlantic region of the country, the weather is mild enough to cook on open flames nearly year round.

This weekend, the family gatherings will run the gambit from small 1 person hibachi grills, cooking that  lone steak for the perpetual lone wolf of the family. (There's one anti-social member in every family). All the way to full blown family reunions where you will meet relatives whom you have not seen since your days in diapers. They won't be shy in reminding you of this fact either. Many a conversation will begin with the phrase: "The last time I saw you, you were only this big". The older relative will seem surprised that after 35 years, you are now 6'4" and standing without assistance.

I remember one holiday where I had gone back to New Jersey to visit my brothers and we went to one of Mickey's friend's homes. I knew this person when I was 10 years old and he seemed surprised that I was a grown man, serving in the Navy. I thought he would have a stroke when I mentioned that I was married and had children too.

But, I digress.

What will your holiday meal be? Steak? Leg of lamb with all the trimmings? Some of you will probably make a traditional slow cooked hunk-o-meat (Pork Shoulder or Beef Brisket come to mind). Home made salads will be lovingly prepared and the cold drinks are even now chilling in the fridge. Weather it's a simple or complex affair, I'm sure a good time will be had by all.

At our house, we keep Labor Day grilling simple. Hot dogs on the grill (slightly charred, of course) and some home made potato salad is just fine with me. There will be some deserts and I will probably have a cold beer with Tim, my youngest son. Heaven on earth.

We will remember two things. Those who are not with us any longer like Mom and my brother Mickey. Especially on holidays, we raise our glasses and toast those brave men and women who are serving all of us, in harm's way. Our Military. Weather it be Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force or Coast Guard. We remember you and make a special effort to show it on Holidays.

Friends, I've had fun talking about our holiday celebrations and family. But please, don't forget those folks who are deployed and their families. They sacrifice so that we may be free.

I hope you all have a safe and happy Labor day.

1 comment:

  1. Yep yep. And remember it's Labor Day... a day to be grateful to those whose labor made us the Nation we are. :)
