Monday, August 26, 2013

The first post. or (I hope I don't screw this up!)

Yes. That's me. Call me Bob. That's what most people call me. I go through my day to day routine and see things and want to comment but really don't have a place to do so that I felt was appropriate. I've been reading and hearing more and more about this pass time of "Blogging", so I decided to check into it a little and finally made the decision to leap into cyber-space and try my hand (or fingers in this case) at blogging. What the heck! I like to write so, I've got nothing to loose. If no one reads this, I can always take it down.

After deciding to start a blog, the next thing to do would be to decide what to write. So, for this first post, I've decided to keep it light and just tell you happy cyber readers a little about myself. I'm married for 32 years. Yes my friends, to the same woman. It doesn't count if you get divorced and remarry. You have to start counting all over again. I have 4 children. 2 girls and 2 boys. My oldest daughter is married to one of the best men I have ever known and they have a beautiful daughter. My Granddaughter is everything in the world and more. My other 3 children, although grown, still reside at home with us.  I'm sure that as this blog moves forward, you will all hear more about "the kids". Oh, we also have a dog. I can't forget Mindy or I will not be forgiven by the 2 legged members of the family.

My life might be considered a little interesting. I attended a Naval Military School in New Jersey as a child and continued up through High School. After that I enjoyed a career in the United States Navy. My work was interesting. I can't really talk much about that. I was able to travel the world. Thanks to the Navy, I have been to more places in this world then I can count and have many wonderful memories of most of them.

So, between formal education and life experiences, I've got a pretty well rounded set of experiences. I hope you all will enjoy reading my observations and ideas and are moved to comment. I enjoy comments and will read all with interest.


  1. YAY Bob!!! I always loved your comments back in our MCR days and now on FB!!! Can't wait for more!!! Love you my friend!!!

  2. Um... you didn't mention me. First mistake. And, it didn't escape me that you appear to be giving me the finger in your photo. Second mistake. Then there are a couple of typos (third mistake) but I'll assume it's a wireless keyboard or tablet error. So... all in all, not bad for a first attempt. I'd like to hear more about things like Amish electricians and the possibility of time travel in my lifetime. A really good rant about something that has peeved you is overdue. Just sayin'
    Love you my friend :)

  3. Excuse me... I think I rate somewhere above Mindy!!!!
