Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Bring back the "Good Ole'" Movies

I'm not a movie critic by any means. I do not have the technical expertise to criticize a movie for things like Camara work, Lighting, Production or Costume design. But, I do know what I like in a movie.

I don't need to see what amounts to 10 minutes of porn to figure out that the heroes are "hooking up". It would be nice if the actors could act. Finally, let's have a plot that makes sense and can be followed by the audience.

I watch a movie to be entertained. I don't necessarily need a "heavy" message. I laughed when the critics paned "The Flintstones"years ago.  Why bother? It was the Flintstones. It's sole purpose was to entertain us. There was no big social message. Fred and Barney screw up. Wilma and Betty love their husbands and take care of the kids. Pebbles and Bambam are cute. The vehicle to bring all of those elements together was not really important to me.

Over the summer, I saw the latest "Die Hard" movie.  I went with Tim. After the movie, he asked me what I thought. I said: "Hmmm, Die Hard. Bruce Willis was in it. It had a pretty woman in it. Stuff blew up. I call it a winner for what it was. We got our money's worth." It was an action movie staring a mediocre actor.  We got exactly what we expected.

Many years ago, "Star Trek, The Motion Picture" came out. Forget that it was Star Trek. The movie was pretty bad. William Shatner is not a good actor. At best he does a fair job. We knew this going in. It was Star Trek. At the time, a long awaited movie. I had fun watching it. Of course the reviews panned it. The review should have just said, "It's Star Trek".

I don't think I can name any really great movies of recent fame. It takes more than special effects to carry a story. When James Stewart, Humphrey Bogart,  Elizabeth Taylor or the like played a part, you believed it!

Patrick Stewart, of Star Trek, The Next Generation fame is classically trained in the art of acting. I watched him for 2 hours, stand on an empty stage and perform "A Christmas Carol"live. There were no special effects. No second takes. No sound editing. Just an actor. It was amazing. 

Let's make some movies that are relevant and of high quality. Oh, that probably won't happen because they won't be commercially successful.  Maybe I will get lucky with Netflix.


  1. We haven't had much luck with Netflix. We've seen lots 4 and 5 star bombs. And just because several A list actors are in it doesn't mean it's good. I think it depends on what you enjoy in a movie. Hubby and I rarely agree because we don't like the same movies. Now let's talk soundtrack. When is the last time a movie sound moved you? When is the last time you remembered a sound track? Star Ears was epic. Empire of the Sun - brilliant. Heck, even Enchanted has a song that keeps playing in my head. Forget the sex. Forget the violence. Gimme a song to hum and a great quote any day.

    1. So right you are, Karen. The great movies always had a score to remember. I rarely find what I am in the mood for on Netflix. TV Shows don't count.
