Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Ah, the potential of the stroke of a pen!

On this date in 1846, the Secretary of the Navy, George Bancroft signed an order that the term "Larboard" would no longer be used to identify the left side of the ship. The logic behind this was simple; "Larboard" and "Starboard" were to close in sound and this caused confusion. In it's place the word "Port" would be used to identify the left side of a ship. The order still stands today. Proving that a 3 and a half line document can indeed change the course of history. Would that other problems in our society could be solved with such efficiency and brevity.

Think about it. If the stroke of a pen could solve all problems, how easy life would be. You don't like brussel sprouts? Write an order and it is done! Children refuse to keep their rooms neat and tidy? Here comes that pen again! Ah, life would be wonderful.

Unfortunately, life doesn't work that way and we are not all in the navy. (Your Loss) I know quite a few people who would do well with a good healthy helping of Naval style discipline. I for one, used to hold "Captain's Mast" when the children would misbehave grossly. Unfortunately, I was informed that keel hauling was considered child abuse. I had to settle for sending them to their rooms.

I always liked the orderliness of the service. We even informed the Captain (Shipboard) when noon was approaching). The messenger or Petty Officer of the Watch would report to the Captain , salute and report: "Good Morning, Sir.
                    The Officer of the Deck sends his respects and
                     reports the hour of 12 o'clock.
                     All chronometers have been wound and compared.
                     Request permission to strike 8 bells on time, Sir!"

This all had to be recited from memory while saluting. The Captain's response was simple: "Make it so."

Everything in the report was important and goes back to the days of sail. The ships's chronometers were vital for proper navigation. The hour of 12 o'clock was also vital for Navigation because, in the days of sail, the Captain held the navigational instruments and would take "Sun shots" at precisely noon each day. These traditions continue even today in this day and age of GPS and digital high speed data communications.

With a simple command of "Make it so!" the routine was permitted to continue on the ship without interruption. In my house, things are not that simple.

Every decision is debated and dissected by those who neither pay the bills or are responsible for the decision.  But, you see, I am a benevolent dictator and must at least give the illusion of fairness in my small kingdom.  If I fail in that task, my queen becomes annoyed with me and at that point, no one is permitted happiness.

So, good for you Secretary Bancroft. Well done and thank you for your service to the Navy and the nation. I sure wish I could control my department with the stroke of a pen.

Oh, well. I think it's time to take my anti-delusion medication. Maybe my blood sugar is just a little low because it's lunch time.  Enjoy your day.

As always...

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