Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Let's make the glass half full...

During the 2014 Superbowl, the Coca-Cola Company ran an advertisement in which people from all around the world were enjoying Coca-Cola while "America the Beautiful" was sung as background in various languages, foreign in the United States. For some reason, this has caused a backlash.

I have read all sorts of angry posts on the internet and seen news reports that this commercial has created a groundswell of dislike towards Coke. Many people have said that they will no longer purchase "Coke products". I find this rather confusing.

I would like to take this opportunity to explain my take on this commercial. First, it's a commercial. In it, people from all over the world, of different cultures and probably faiths are depicted living their lives and enjoying Coca-Cola: an American product. Next to Marlboro Cigarettes, Coke is probably the most recognized American product in the world.

Coke is sold in most countries of the world. I can not think of any country where I could not get a Coke if I wanted one. So, why not, as an international company, show that their uniquely American product is sold successfully, world wide? The singing is just another way of illustrating that theme. It's not like the background music was the National anthem of Iran or possibly Afghanistan.  The music was "America the Beautiful."

This particular piece of music, if not recognized internationally, in the most remote places of the world simply by it's melody is certainly recognizable as an American tune or Anthem, if you wish once the lyrics are heard. So, where is the insult to this country?

This commercial, rather than being an insult to Americans is a tribute to what America should be. Remember the sonnet by Emma Lazarus and enshrined on a plaque inside the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty:

.."Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

This passage reminds us what we are supposed to be. We are Americans. We welcome immigration. We welcome the peoples of the world to come and live here to enrich our society with their culture. Have we become so narrow-minded in our attitudes that we believe that America is just for "Americans"? If we have, there is a big problem. There are very few Native peoples left. Most of us are immigrants. So, if the use of foreigners in a commercial offends you, maybe you need to re-examine your stance.

The comercial in question was showing an international company that is still today, uniquely American. By having the music in the background sung in various languages, they effectively illustrated that the company is international in scope but the choice of song; "America the Beautiful", recognized world wide as a truly American song, representative of the love Americans have for this country, shows that The Coca-Cola Company is still now and will remain an American company.

Rather than being offended by the commercial in question, celebrate America with it. Be glad that an American product is recognized all over the world. If only we all could enjoy that level of success. 

You see, the glass IS half full, not half empty. Free expression is alive and well and narrow-mindedness an be defeated with just a little thought. 

Have a coke and a smile!

As Always

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