Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Fall of our Civilization is upon us.

A member of the student government at McGill university in Canada was accused of racism for posting this photo of President Obama clicking a door. Although the picture is a joke (it was part of a video spoof by Jay Leno on the Tonight Show) it seems that even as a joke, it offended some small group of students and they charged the offending student with a violation of the schools standards of conduct, to whit: "micro-aggresion". This seems to be a blanket term used to cover any type of offense that may offend any group and any time. Sort of like article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (The General Article). "Any offense not covered by this code shall be covered by this article."

First, this photo was a .gif file used by a known comedian. You may not like Jay Leno (He's off the Tonight show now anyway. Jimmy Fallon did a fine job in his debut, last night.) but, Jay is indeed a recognized comedian.

Secondly, I imagine that since I am not paranoid about my lineage, I am unqualified to determine if some imaginary slight that no one else noticed was in fact racism.

The logic behind the charge was that the picture shows the President in the midst of a violent act and since he is a person of color, it depicts all persons of color as violent. I hate to be blunt but, that is the most ridiculous kind of horse hockey I have ever heard. It comes right from the 1920's and has been disproven time and time again. Bringing the charge of racism under those circumstances and utilizing that type of out of date, hokey social science is in it self racist! The people bring the charge should be apologizing not the Vice-president of the Student Government.

Are we now expected to be so stupid that we can not have the simplest thoughts in our silly little uneducated heads? I say uneducated because we obviously were not educated in the proper time or place of enlightenment as the students up in Canada. But, I have more.

This story was reported in the American media. Unfortunately, we do have the ability to communicate. How we developed that ability with our limited intellectual potential, I do not know. The fact remains that we, as americans do have the ability to communicate and we use it. Some liberal, let's not offend anyone students will undoubtedly see this story and try and adopt the same rules of "Micro-aggresion" in their school. What's next? City ordinance? State and then Federal Law? Maybe we will see a Constitutional amendment one day.

I can see it now: "The House of Representatives, in the name of the People of the United States proposes that the Constitution of the United States be amended as follows:

1. The United States shall pass no law or allow any citizen of the various states to offend in thought, word or deed and other citizen or resident of the United States.

2. Article 1 of this amendment may be applied to the various citizens of the planet at the discretion of the executive branch.

3. The Congress of the United States shall have the authority to enforce this amendment as necessary.

4. The provisions of this amendment shall not apply to the legislative branch of the government of the United States or any of it's offices, staffs or officers.

That would pretty much cover everything and leave the congress off the hook. But, think about it (in a non-offensive way, please.) Under the proposed amendment, we could not offend in thought, word or deed. Hmmmm; sounds kind of Christian to me. Better scrap the old bill of rights. We would be infringing on free speech, but the liberals don't want that anyway.

Oh, I could go on all day. I won't do that. I will apologize to my real thinking liberal friends. I know you do not think this way and I did not mean to lump you in with the whackadoodles who do these crazy things.

I say all of this to just let you all see what is going on around us and ask you all to think. Of course, I am not for Racism, real racism. But when we start calling everything racism we take away from the real problem and therefore it doesn't get fixed. So, let us save the harsh words for the real social problems and leave the comedy to the comedians.

As always...

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