Thursday, February 20, 2014

Gosh, Time sure flies when you re having fun.

32 years ago today, my oldest child, a daughter was born. Now, she is a grown, married woman with a daughter of her own and another child on the way. How time flies.

I always wanted to be a Dad. My father was not very good at his fatherly functions (as far as I was conceded) so, I wanted to be a Dad so that I could prove that I could do better than he. I think I did.

I loved being the father of a small child. It was just a joy for me to come home to my small family. My little one would always be happy to see me. As she got older, her ability to express herself grew and when I would come home, I was greeted by cries of "Daddy!" and the sound of little feet running to me so she could get her hugs and kisses. I was in heaven.

Through the years, my oldest child and I always remained close. There have been the rough spots, of course, but that happens in the closest of relationships. I know that I was always there for my daughter and will do everything I can to remain there as her greatest fan, as long as I have breath.

It's difficult to put into words the love I feel for my daughter. Beyond that, I feel a great sense of pride. She took her time in finding a husband. Unlike many of this day and age, my daughter waited to get married until she had found the right person and they were both in a position to go into the relationship of marriage in a mature and measured manner.

Her husband is a wonderful man who loves both her and their daughter. I am sure that the new addition to their growing family will come into a loving and nurturing family. That's the most important thing.

My daughter is a wonderful Mom. Although she raises her own daughter differently than I might, every minute of each day with the little one is filled with love and her every action is motivated by that same love.

It seems strange to me to be talking about my grown daughter like this. It seems like only yesterday that her only problem was what color crayon to use or what to watch on television. (She used to love Fraggle Rock). But, time does indeed fly by and I have to remind myself each day that my children are grown and my oldest  especially, doesn't need my help any longer. But, she knows I am available at the drop of a hat, if required or desired.

So, have a wonderful birthday, my darling daughter. You will always be the light of my life. Enjoy your time with your own daughter, she is just on loan. One day, you too will have to give her up to live her own life. If you are very lucky, you will be allowed in just as you have allowed me into your life, even though you are "all grown up."

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