Monday, February 17, 2014

It always happens when you take a week off...

For a little while now, I had been struggling to find something interesting to write about. I want to write about things that I feel passion for, things that excite me and incite the mind to think about life a little differently. I'm not so egocentric to think that my little blog, read by a whole 8 people daily would do anything to change the world but, maybe it can change my little corner of it.

So, I decided to take a week off. Settle my mind and collect my thoughts. As soon as I decide to do that, what happens? I'll tell you. An occurrence of world wide proportion happens, that's what happens.  On Monday February 10, 2014 Shirley Temple Black died.

Many of you may wonder why I refer to this as an occurrence of world wide proportion. It's simple. It's Shirley Temple. That smile, pictured above is and will forever be recognized as that of the greatest child star of all time. Miss Temple, from the age of 3 defined child stardom. Her movies are still popular today, although she and now her estate receive no monies for the sale of video.

I remember watching Shirley Temple movies on Television with my mother, as a child. I was always amazed at the ease in which this little girl with the dimpled smile could dance in any situation. It is obvious why she was so popular on the screen in the 1930's. Of course, as she grew older and eventually into adolescence, her popularity waned. When she retired from the film industry in about 1950, many thought they had heard the last of Miss Shirley Temple. She was thought to be just another "pretty face." They were very wrong.

Shirley Temple was active in politics. From 1969 through 1992 she held various positions of responsibility in Presidential administrations, including several ambassadorships.

Now, you may ask; how does the death of an 85 year old former child star cause us to think and look at the world differently? First and foremost, this country has lost a great treasure in the talent of Ambassador Temple. Fortunately, the great bulk of her film work is available for viewing on various digital media. I highly recommend it.

Secondly and more importantly, Ambassador Shirley Temple Black stands as an example to everyone and especially women  that they can accomplish anything they wish. There are no barriers that can hold anyone back if they are willing to face them head on and scale them.

When Shirley Temple retired from the movies, she was thought to just fade quietly into the night. She didn't do that. She could have but, she continued to stand for what she believed in. Whether you agree with her political stance or not is not important. The important factor is, she took a stand and made it stick. She became the voice of this country in the places she was Ambassador. She stood on the floor of the General Assembly of the United Nations, for our country. That's a long way from the Fox movie lot.

So, I say well done Miss Temple. You've used well the gift of life that was given to you and you now deserve your rest. Rest well, for you shall be missed.

As always...

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