Friday, January 24, 2014

Gosh, If I was famous, could I act like a jerk too?

So, Justin Bieber was finally arrested for his bad behavior. DUI, Resisting arrest and driving without a valid license. Of course, the Biebs had been terrorizing the neighborhood where he lives in the Miami area for over a year with his wild parting and dangerous driving. Only now is he arrested. His fans can rejoice since, he was only in custody for a few hours. Those with wads of money get whatever they want in our system of justice. The media reports that he waved at the crowd when he was released from jail. I know all of this because as I was scanning the news this morning, there was a story about his red jumpsuit in the news.

There was no story about how celebrity is indulged in our society. The story was about the color of the jumpsuit. You see, celebrities are isolated from the regular jail population for their own safety. What a shame. I think that the "wannabe gansta" celebrities like master Justin should be thrown in the mist of the hard talking, rough living people of the street that he so admires. Well, that is his public persona. Justin likes think of himself as one of the "boys" from the "Hood". Please, stop laughing and keep reading.

At 19 he was arrested for DUI and admitted to the arresting officers that he was indeed intoxicated from both alcohol and drugs. I think he should be thrown in the nut house as a danger to himself and others. Serious psychological intervention needs to take place, not for his welfare; for the good of the public. I could care less about Justin Bieber. Send him back to Canada! Put a hammer in his hand and make him do a year of community service with Mike Holmes. Some good hard, physical labor would do him good and maybe he would learn some responsibility while he was at it.

Unfortunately, Mike Holmes is a professional builder and wouldn't put up with Bieber's stupidity. But, there needs to be real consequences for these celebrities who run amok and seem to get away with everything until the law and society can no longer turn a blind eye. This usually happens after something really serious has happened.

Our justice system is ripe with the history of indulging celebrities. Lindsey Lohan is another example of talent destroyed by indulgence. Her promising acting career has all but been destroyed because of her bad behavior and a failure of anyone close to her to hold her to account and ensure that she received the supervision that she obviously required.

On the other hand. Supervision and intervention does work. Look at Brittany Spears. This young woman was spinning out of control. She had become a media darling to the tabloids. Her misbehavior was so legendary that most people were just wondering: what was she going to do next? The straw that broke the proverbial camel's back occurred when Ms. Spears shaved off her own hair.  It was then that her family stepped in and the courts agreed that the woman needed some serious help.

By all accounts, Brittany Spears is now thriving. She is getting the psychological/psychiatric assistance that she requires and people who care about her and not just her money are looking after her and her affairs. At one point, she even told the judge to keep the conservatorship in place because "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!"  Good for you!

My point is simple. Celebrity is not a free pass to run wild in the streets. Must we wait until someone is hurt or killed  before the criminal justice system steps in and takes some type of action? These young stars are given so much money at such a young age and then are expected to act accordingly. That just doesn't work. Someone needs to step in and do something. Failing that, send Justin back to Canada. Let our friends to the north deal with him. He is a guest in our Country. I think he has outstayed his welcome. Just my humble opinion.

As Always...

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