Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year tradition

New Year's Eve means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. I had a friend who would get roaring drunk on New Years day, every year. It was the only day of the year he would drink. Otherwise, this guy was perfectly normal. To me this sounds strange, but it was normal for my friend.

I used to go out and have my fun on New Year's eve. But, eventually, it just got boring to do that. For many years now, my wife and I stay home. It's just easier. We have a nice evening watching a movie and eating little snacks. I can't make it to midnight any longer but, a nice time is had by all anyway.

Many years ago, my oldest daughter asked and then begged if she could stay up for the New Year. She was 12 and had never stayed up that late. When asked why she wanted to stay up, my daughter informed me that she wanted to see what the big deal was all about. To be honest, so did I. So, my wife and I gave the child permission to stay up to see the new year in.

You would have thought we had given the child permission to drive the car, while smoking cigarettes, she was so excited. For days, all we heard about was that she was going to stay up for the new year. Finally, the evening arrives. She stays up and watches movies with us. She gets to snack with us. Around 2230 (That's 10:30 pm for those who can't tell 24 hour time) she is starting to get restless. I can see those eyelids getting heavy. At one point, she asked if it was going to be soon. I don't know what "it" was but, I told her yes.

Finally the moment was nearly at hand. 1 minute to midnight! We wake our daughter up. Yes, she had dozed off. We count down with the crowd on the television 3, 2, 1...0!!! My daughter looks around at us. A look of confusion comes across her face. She runs to the back terrace sliding door and moves the curtain aside. After an intense stare, her shoulders slump and her head droops forward in disappointment. She turns around and looks at us and says: "Is that it?"

Of course, my wife and I break into laughter. I motion for my little girl to come over to me. She is very upset. I give her hugs and say: "Yes. What did you expect? Fireworks?"

My daughter looked at me and informed me that this was a big rip off and she had no idea what the big deal was. Of course, this got me laughing all over again. I guess my little one thought something special happened at midnight at the change of year and there would be some visible sign.

After giving her Mother and me a kiss goodnight, our daughter went off to bed mumbling something about a "rip-off" . I hope her New Year's celebration with her husband was more exciting than what we provided those many years ago. I imagine that to a 12 year old, it really was a let down.

Our celebration consists of time with our children who still live at home. We had lots of home made finger foods for dinner and several movies. As usual, I did not stay up. My wife informs me that she came in and gave me hugs and kisses at the stroke of midnight. I don't remember anything which is actually a good sign. It means that I slept well through the night.

When I awoke on New Year's day, I did give my dear wife hugs and kisses. We had a nice day of watching movies with the kids. Dinner consisted of leftovers. In a way, sort of appropriate I think. Get rid of the remnants of the old year and make room for the new. The leftovers were yummy.

My first business day of the new year was spent at the Naval Hospital doing pre-operative things for my throat surgery on the 10th. Hopefully the good Navy doctors will be successful in repairing my paralyzed vocal cord and I will be able to speak above a whisper. Well, that's the plan anyway.

If they are not successful, I will make due with what I have. It's not all that bad, not being able to raise one's voice. I do miss singing though. Ah, well... One thing at a time.

I hope you all had a wonderful new year's celebration. If you find yourselves in the cold climates, please stay warm. May you all stay safe as well as those you love in the new year. As ever, please remember those serving in uniform both near and far. May they all come home safely in 2014.

As Always...

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