Monday, January 20, 2014

We wouldn't want to offend anyone...or would we?

Recently a friend passed along an emotional letter to "Navy Times" written by LCDR Thomas Sousa, USN(Ret). The letter laments the passing of Navy Tradition as dead and gone. Certainly not forgotten.

I agree with the Commander's assessment and will go further and say that the watering down of traditions in this country in favor of "Political Correctness" has diluted the fabric of the American culture to the point that we, as a Nation have forgotten who we are.

Traditions are the sign post along the road of a culture which remind the members of that culture  of their origin and beliefs. When you dilute the traditions in the name of not offending any particular group or individual you weaken the sign post until it falls and it's value as an aid to our Navigation through life is lost.

Now, let there be no mistake. I am not speaking of some Tea Partyeske flag waving and return to "Traditional American Values". The folks that spout that silliness can't even define what they themselves are talking about. I am talking of simple traditional things such as  Manners, discipline and the idea that we can achieve with hard work.

Several years ago, I was at the local shopping center and I held a door for a middle aged woman. She gave me a "dirty" look and said she didn't need me to hold a door or anything else for her. Well, Madame, EXCUSE ME! Do I need to go through the reasons and origins of why we are supposed to do things for women? I am not saying that any woman can not do any job she desires. She certainly may. But, I am saying that the tradition of curtesy should not have to suffer in the name of equality of the genders.

Patriotism. Patriotism has fallen down the rabbit hole of forgetfulness. On 9/11/01 patriotism was the order of the day but now, 12 years and several months later, it's harder to find. Here is an example. The other day, my son (a Cpl in the Marine Corps Reserve) were on board a local Naval installation and had just stepped outside a building at 0800. Anyone familiar with Navy/Marine Corps procedure will tell you that Morning Colors is executed at precisely that time.  At the first blast of the bugle call to attention, we both stopped, came to attention, performed a half left face (to face the command flag pole) and placed our right hand over our hearts. This was done without thinking. While at this position of respect for the National Colors, I observed 3 vehicles pull into the parking garage and 4 people (in uniform) continue walking. What happened to the tradition? Morning colors is not just an exercise in standing at attention. It is observed in order for all hands to reaffirm their commitment to the Nation the Service and their Shipmates!

It is not "old fashioned" to want to get back to some traditional things in our lives. Those things that remind us who and what we are. I could list many but, for each of you, there are your own traditions. Don't let them die for the sake of Political Correctness. I've talked about this before and I will keep talking about it.

If I offend, I'm not sorry. It's how I feel. If you agree, hop on the band wagon by bringing back a few of your traditions. Don't loose your way on the road. Shore up those signs.

As Always...

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