Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Smart phones are wonderful things. It's great to walk around with a computer in your pocket. With the right data plan, your smart phone can really be a useful thing. Check that bank balance, double check those directions, you can even entertain yourself while waiting for an appointment to begin. You are never far from breaking news with your smart phone. They are truly wonders of the age.

There is a drawback to smartphone use. I  have noticed it and I am sure that many of you have seen it, also. The "younger" generation seems to have fallen into the "Smartphone trap" of never looking up from their phone and engaging in social activity. I can't watch a movie or television program with one of my children without them having their noses stuck in their phone, playing some mindless game or another. 

My daughter spends every waking minute of the day playing on the phone. She has actually burned food cooking due to mindless game playing. 

My son is nearly as bad. He doesn't cook but he is always playing on his phone.

Frankly, I'm tired of it! If I am watching a program or movie, it would be nice for my partners in this activity to be in the moment with me. Otherwise, please leave the room.  I would rather be alone in fact than in a room with two other people who are zoned out on a mindless game and then swear that they just spent time with me. I may as well have been alone, so let's just make it a reality.

My wife does the same thing. She uses her nook and I am trying to have a conversation. She won't even look up from the contraption. When I say something, I'm told "I'm listening. I don't need to be looking at you to hear you." Really? I was taught that it was polite to look at the person who was talking to you. I guess I am old fashioned. To be fair, my wife doesn't do it all the time.

Maybe I am asking to much. All I know is that when I have a visitor, I put the cell phone down. When I visit someone, I put the cell phone down. If I must pay attention to the electronic leash, I at least say "excuse me."

It's a matter of simple civility. It's not the fault of the cell phone. I did not raise my children to be rude. They just turned out that way. I wonder what wold happen if I changed the  password to the home wifi? I wold probably wind up paying huge data charges since I'm the only one who pays attention to the data connection.

I promise, if any of you visit me, i'll put the phone down and pay attention to you.

As always...

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