Monday, September 23, 2013


We go through our lives day by day and take for granted the things that are most important. We need to remember to not be so concentrated on the "important" things in life that we forget about the most import thing there is. Family.

I am a Dad. I love being a Dad. I've always wanted to be a Dad. I've felt that being a good father to my children was the most important job in the world. It's why I'm here. For the most part, my children have rewarded me with happiness and joy.

That's not to say that there were not difficulties along the way. There still are. My children are grown. Two still live at home. Our oldest son is handicapped and will stay with us. That's fine. We love him. Our second son moved back in with us after completing an enlistment in the Marine Corps. We are glad he is with us. Thanks for your service, Son.

Like my two daughters, my youngest son will move on with his life eventually. How long it will take, I have no idea. It will take as long as it takes. That's fine with me. In the mean time, my wife and I have our 2 boys with us.

I thought being a Dad was fun. Playing with the children after a long day was the part of the day that I looked forward to the most. I used to love bed time too. I would read or tell stories to the children when it was time to put them to bed. I loved that.

I was just talking to my oldest daughter today about when she was growing up. I said that we were buddies. We still are. She smiled, looked at me and said "Yup". Warmed my heart.

As I got out of the car, I looked in the back seat at my little granddaughter. She is so precious. She was wearing "footie pajamas". I always loved seeing the children in those. There's something about them that just says, "Little Kid". As I said goodbye , the little one looked up at me and smiled. Well, I'll tell you; that melted my heart. What a cutie.

I have a friend who's grandson is 5. He is a skinny child  with a mop of flaming read curls on top of his head. You can spot him from a mile away. If he's smiling, make that 2 miles away. He's just a cute little boy. I've watched this child grow from a little baby to the little boy he is today. His Grandmother is devoted to him. She told me that she fell in love with him the second she saw him for the first time. She said that being a grandparent is the greatest experience in the world.

Now that I am a grandfather, I would tell my friend, she was not descriptive enough! Is there something better than best?  Being a grandparent is Supercalafragilisticexpialidocious!

Over the weekend, another friend of mine flew from Florida to North Carolina, to visit her granddaughter. Again, I've seen pictures of this beautiful child since the day she was born and have watched her grow for 3 years. She is indeed a beautiful little girl. But, when I saw pictures of this little angel with her grandmother, the look on their faces said "happiness and Love" all at the same time.

When I am feeling low for whatever reason, I look at a picture of my granddaughter. For just a little while, there are no more troubles. When I get the chance to see her and hold her, there is nothing I'd rather do.

My daughter is a wonderful mother. Her husband is a great man. He's a great provider and is dedicated to his family. They are the perfect pair to raise a child. My granddaughter is a happy child. For that, I sleep well at night.

I've had the chance to raise my children. Now it's the next generations turn. I hope I have done a good job. I know that the next generation will do well. Grandma and Grandpa will always watch over them as they raise their families.

The most important job never ends.

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