Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sometimes, I don't believe what I see...I I

I took a nap after lunch. When I got up, I felt sort of rested and settled down to see what was on the Television as I enjoyed an afternoon cup of coffee. It turned out that the coffee was much better than the television. My house is quiet right now because, I turned the TV off.

The proliferation of "Low Class" TV "Talk" shows has gotten to the point that I am almost ill. The stories are always the same. Some young person is accusing another young person of "cheating" on them. Now they want a polygraph examination to prove the other person guilty. Of course, the accused swears that he was the "wronged" one in the relationship and this is all for nothing.

I've been in the same relationship for more than 32 years. I can assure you, if my wife lied to me, I would know it. If I was untruthful to her, she too, would know it. I never needed a Television program to tell if we were having a problem.

The problems these couples are having are so trivial, it defies belief. None of these people have any business being in a relationship with their dog or gold fish. Forget about a serious relationship with another person!

Here's an idea for all of them. Go to school! Make something of yourselves. Making Babies doesn't count!

I have seen 20 year old women on television with 5 children. 5 Children!! The problem is, they have no idea who the father of any of the kids are. The women unfortunately, have no skills because they were trying to take care of their children instead of going to school. If they are taking care of their kids at all. Many of these poor unfortunate women continued in their dangerous behavior and left the raising of the children up to someone else.

I know that I am not taking a popular stance here. I am not being "politically correct". I'm not even being understanding. I don't know what the solution to this problem is. Our society has taken bad behavior, elevated it to an art form and then revered it.

In the old days, celebrities walked the red carpet and went out to fancy restaurants. A picture was seen in the news paper and that was it. Most of the better actors stayed out of that "personal life" spotlight. Sure, there were some who had bad marriages and would fight. Some were even famous for it. But, for the most part, you didn't hear of it in the press.

Now, we have celebrities who are famous for being famous. They have no other claim to fame. The bad behavior of our current crop of movie actors is enough to make you sick. It's all on TV and the public loves it!

Pregnant without the benefit of marriage is becoming the norm. I don't really mind that. What bothers me is pregnant without the benefit of any commitment of any kind. We glorify this and then wonder why our youth grow to become unruly.

There's a national smoke out day every year. Let's publicize a National Turn the smut off day. Instead of watching the garbage on Television, everyone read a book. Who knows, it may catch on.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I would suggest an old fashioned remedy. Change the channel. I enjoyed a couple of movies, and a science program. I haven't watched 'network' TV in decades. And I don't think those 'talk shows even work on my TV. ;)

    As for the rest of it. When I see that kind of 'programming, consistently on a channel. I contact the channel and let them know I won't be watching and why. I follow through. I also contact my satellite provider and tell them the same thing. And then follow through. Viewers are money, and money is what the networks are in the business for. Enough people let them know, the programming eventually changes. (But...except for Neilsen 'families', the companies aren't mind readers. They don't know if we don't tell them.
