Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Just thinking...

I was just sitting here thinking that it's the last day of the year. The weather report says we might get snow flurries. I think that would be appropriate.

I'm not going to go through all the things that have happened this year as many people do when they write about the last day of the year. As I wrote on Friday, I prefer to look ahead. But, since I wrote my blog Friday, I have been observing things and they make me wonder.

I've always tried to be a good parent and husband. I've always felt that those were the most important jobs to have.  Yet, I still have 3 of my children living with me. One, will probably always be with us because of no fault of his own. We are glad to have him. Although the other two are welcome, the way the act towards each other and those around them worries me.

Without going into specifics, let me say that some of the things that come out of my children's mouths are appalling. Did they learn to relate to each other like this from me? My goodness! I hope not. But, I can't get away from the feeling that they are still competing for my attention. at the ages of 24 and 26 you would think that problem would have passed.

For the sake of argument, let's just say that I am not the problem. I think I raised my children with love and a caring attitude towards their fellow man. but, the way they speak still has me perplexed. Then I turn on the television. It's just mind boggling what passes as entertainment on daytime television today.

Entire programs devoted to determining who abused what child, when and how. Domestic violence and abuses of women that I would never have imagined in this day of an enlightened society. Violence and abuse in every place you look.

I few months ago, I was in the grocery store with my daughter. We were behind a couple who throughout the store were arguing about who could "make groceries" better. Now, trying to translate the horrible grammar, I came to the conclusion that they were referring to who was a better shopper. But, no matter. Their conversation nearly broke out into physical violence, right in the store.

People are rude and snipe at others all the time. I was in the commissary one day, a woman slammed into me on my left side. FYI, that's the side I am blind on. She slammed into me and then barked "Ya know, you can get out of my way! Are you blind?" My daughter looked at her and said: "Yes, he is." The rude woman wandered off mumbling something. I am the one who apologized. I'm sorry I am taking up space on her planet. (Not what I said...How I felt.)

What happened to the rule: "If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing." ?

Well, at least I have sight in one eye. It could be worse.

I was feeling pretty good yesterday. I went to physical therapy for my shoulder. I've been feeling really good about my progress. That is, until yesterday. They've started me on some new exercises. Pain has now become my friend.  It doesn't last long, just mostly while I am working  but I can tell you this; I have obviously not made all the progress that I thought I had. The therapy folks seem pleased with my progress but then, they don't have to feel what I am feeling.

Through it all, I try and remain positive. Life is not a sprint, it's a marathon. I won't give up and I've worked through pain before. Next week, I have surgery on my vocal cord... again. They are going to try a new procedure. I hope this time I get my voice back. I've been in the Naval Hospital so often, they should name a bed after me!

Keeping positive.

I'll deal with today and worry about next week, next week. Today, my wife and I are going to run some errands together and if we are lucky, get to go have lunch together. No children.  Certainly, that way there won't be any arguments.

I'll close with a Happy New Year's wish for you all. May the New Year bring you happiness, peace and good health.

As Always...

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