Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Distress Signals

This flag should be flying upside down. The international signal for distress. We need to be rescued and fast!

The governmental system of this country has stopped working. I say this not because it has "shut down" but rather because of the mechanism that caused the shut down in the first place. This is not a matter of political ideology. It is the simple principle that when a person says they will do a job, they do it! End of Story.

The Congress and Senate are elected to represent the people of this country. As our representatives, they are charged with the responsibility of looking out for our best interest. They are not charged with acting like petulant children, throwing a tantrum.

We have today, a house speaker who is completely ineffective. He has no idea how to do his job. The speaker's job is to avoid the exact circumstance we find ourselves in today. The speaker is supposed to make sure the Congress keeps things moving and the government functions. How? By using his power to convince members to COMPROMISE.

Compromise. The essence of politics is compromise. This Congress does not want to compromise. It's all or nothing. My way or the highway. These inflexible attitudes are exactly the reason that we have not had an effective Congress since before the current executive administration took office.

People can say that it's the fault of the Republicans or the "Tea Partiers". Not entirely. In this particular instance, of the government shut down, it is. But, When the Democrats were the majority, they were just as ineffective. The Democratic speaker was unwilling to compromise and would scream that the President (a democrat) was not "Liberal Enough!" Thus, nothing got done.

The Congress of the United States has failed in it's Constitutional duty. Fire all of them. Let's start over.

If you hire me to do a job and I fail to do it, time and time again; I would expect to be fired. Members of Congress don't get fired. They are not even subject to the laws that they pass to the rest of the country.

The Government has shut down. Not one Representative is affected by this shut down. They will continue to be paid, receive medical care (at tax payer expense) and reap all the benefits of their office in spite of the fact that they have failed to do their job.

I hope they enjoy themselves during this shut down. The hard working people who are now being sent home or are working for an "IOU" are not enjoying themselves. When rents and mortgages come due, will the banks and landlords say: "It's OK. I understand. No Problem". I think not.

When children are hungry because Mom or Dad didn't get paid. They can be comforted when they are told that the Congress is standing on their principle. Principle doesn't put food in children's bellies.

I won't even get started on the idea that our Military personnel, in harm's way may very well not be paid on the 15th of the month if this shutdown goes beyond the 7th of October.

What the Congress has done is unforgivable.

The founding fathers are turning over in their graves.

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