Tuesday, October 8, 2013

It seems like our world is turning into a real life Horror Movie

Ok, I like a movie as much as the next guy. I particularly like the old "Horror" movies of the 1950s and early '60s.

Hollywood came up with all sorts of monsters to terrify the Saturday afternoon movie goer. Movies like "The fly", "Creature from the Black Lagoon" and the ever classic "The Blob" were great.

But now, these horrors have moved out of the movie theater and into the real world.

Several weeks ago, I saw a news report about "new" creatures found in the ocean that were not identifiable as any known species. Believe me, the pictures I saw looked pretty scary.

I also saw an article about a giant squid that had washed ashore. Now, I know that The giant squid was the subject of folk lore for generations of seafarers and that marine biologists had been looking for proof of the actual animal. But, a giant squid washing ashore? That would sure put a damper on the family's day at the beach! It's like the second scene in a horror movie.

Today, I saw a story about "Giant killer wasps"! This was a legitimate news story on a major network news program. It seems that the giant insects are terrorizing people in China. Here we go again with another great movie plot.

What's going on? Have we polluted the planet to the point that it is beginning to fight back? I don't worry about strange happenings when I see them in supermarket rags. Those stories are made up just to sell the paper. I've got no problem with that. I do begin to get concerned when legitimate news outlets begin to run the same stories as hard news.

I don't know what the answer is to all of this. Have we screwed up the balance of nature to the point that known species of animals are adapting and will soon be moving ever closer to the top of the food chain? Has mankind's arrogance finally begun to catch up with him?

I'm not a "tree hugger" by any means. I am just throwing ideas out there. I saw the story about the wasps and it got me thinking.

Of course, in this country, nothing can be done about any of this. Our Government can't even figure out what an essential service is during a so called "Government Shutdown". So, let's not even think about the government funding anything as silly as scientific research.

Ooops! Did I just get political for a moment? Sorry about that. Couldn't resist.

One thing is for sure. If I see any real Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I'm out of here!

Have a great day.

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