Monday, October 7, 2013

Life is indeed worth it!

My friends, here's a news flash. Life can be difficult. In fact, it usually is. But, with hard work and some perseverance, the rewards of life can  be wonderful beyond imagination.

The rewards come in small, almost hidden ways. Here's a few examples.

Most of you know that my youngest daughter recently moved away from home. She didn't move because she was angry at any of us here. She felt; and I agreed, that she was not really moving forward in her life by staying at home. My sister and her spouse invited her to come to New Jersey with their family.

My daughter went and was able to start a job. It's a start, which is more than she had here. But more important than the money and experience of a new job; my "little girl" is having new experiences. She told me she was on the train to New York City, by herself, for the first time. Excitement was evident. She went to the museum of Natural History, walked up and down Broadway and explored Times Square. She saw things that, although common in Times Square, are rare in South Eastern Virginia. She texted me all afternoon with an amazing tone to her communications with descriptions of the "wonders" she was seeing.

I had to smile. She had so much fun. Yes, I miss my youngest. But, my heart overflows with pride as I listen to her experiences and adventures. After all, life is a great adventure.

In another rewarding experience: My Oldest Daughter, her Husband and their little daughter picked me up from a doctor's appointment. Rather than going straight home, they needed to stop at Walmart. Now, you need to remember that my granddaughter is only 14 months old. After we all got out of the car, my daughter and her husband let the little one walk between them. My granddaughter looked behind her and saw me. She stopped, turned around to face me, smiled a huge smile and waved to me. I don't know how to put into words how wonderful it felt for me to see my little Angel of a granddaughter recognize me and wave. Ah, the rewards of life.

This morning, my daughter picked me up from yet another doctor's appointment. When we arrived at my house, I thanked her and told her that I loved her. As I leaned over in the seat to kiss her goodbye, This grown woman, whom I raised and watched grow from a little girl; said "I love you, Daddy".

Forget it! I'm done. My day is complete. I've done my job right.  Even as a grown woman, my daughter  is not afraid to tell her old Dad that she loves him. Believe me, there is no greater reward. As the commercial says, Priceless!

Life is full of moments like those described, above. Pride in accomplishment is a gift in and of itself. I am basically an insecure person. I thought long and hard about writing this blog. But, I dove in and started it. I was worried that no one would read it or worse; would read and hate it.

Well, it's not a failure, people do read it. Many tell me they enjoy it. That's a nice reward.

We all have difficulties in our lives. Some you can see, others are internal. But if we don't give up and we fight to overcome, we will usually succeed.

Be a positive influence in life. There is really no point in hating. Wish a stranger a good day. When greeted with a bad attitude, don't return it in kind. Be Kind in return. You will be rewarded. The reward may not come that day but you will see an improvement in your overall outlook and health. This I know.

Folks, my life changed a year ago. I nearly died. I decided that if I could pull through that horrible health crisis, I was going to change how I do things. So, take your mother's advice, look for the silver lining. Find the positive in any situation. Be a positive influence in a stranger's life.

I'm not suggesting that we all follow Saint Francis. I am saying that small things in life can yield great results.

Remember when you were small, how wonderful it was to get a new box of crayons. Happiness is indeed 18 colors.

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