Saturday, November 2, 2013

From the Halls of Montezuma...Marines are not just Soldiers at sea

In a Tavern in Philadelphia, PA in November of 1775 a small band of men joined together and formed what was to become Known as the finest fighting force for freedom the world has ever known.

The United States Marine Corps
was born from those humble beginnings. Today it has grown to a force of dedicated men and women of well more than 200,000.

Marines have fought in every conflict the Country has been involved in. Currently, they serve in all forms of combat, on land, sea and in the air. Marines are truly the most versatile of all the Uniformed services of the Untied States.

The service is steeped in tradition. The tradition of a fighting spirit. Often times, just the mention of the deployment of United States Marines into a crisis situation is enough to defuse the tension and get the aggressors to back down and begin talking. This reputation as the fiercest fighting force in the world is well deserved and has been earned over 238 years of hard fought combat. The blood of each and every Marine that has ever served is with every member of the Corps from the first day they assume the title. It can be seen in the uniforms of our Marines.

Each part of a Marine's uniform serves a purpose and both protects the Marine and reminds him of his fighting heritage. From the high collar of the dress blue coat which was designed in the old days to thwart a blow from an opponent's sword, to the blood stripe on an NCO's trousers or the piping on the Enlisted coat. A Marine never forgets those who have gone before.

Of all the services, Marines learn their history as a service from before their first day in training. Names like Henderson, Daily and Puller still come easily to the Modern Marine's tongue. 

Marines were initially formed to serve as Naval Infantry. They would fight from the decks and rigging of our young Navy's sailing ships and fight the ship. It was there, in the crucible of battle that the first young Marines began to build the tradition that we all know today.

Of course, now, Marines fight in places with no ship for support. Afghanistan is a dry environment but it's for boding scenery doesn't deter our Marines. they continue to fight for the peace. That's what they have always done. The Marine Corps is the power projection ashore which gives our Navy it's punch.

Some of the Corps most famous fights were during World War II in the Pacific. FADM Nimitz had been employing what was known as an "Island Hopping" strategy. The fighting was mostly done by United States Marines. 

In the Korean conflict, some of the most famous fighting was performed by Marines.  Marines have always answered the call of their country, no matter the place or time. No sacrifice is to great for Marines. 

I write this as my son dons, once again his uniform for another drill weekend. This drill is special. It's held in November. 10 November is our Marine Corps Birthday. Beginning today and throughout the month, Birthday balls will be held to honor those who have gone before, serve now and will serve in the future. I am fortunate enough to have many Marine Corps friends Both Marines and their families. As a Sailor, I am honored. I also come from a family of Marines. 2 of my children and a son in law are Marines. Nephews, Cousins, Parents, Brothers; the list goes on. Marines all.

As we celebrate the Corps birthday, we don't ever forget those left ashore as our Marines serve. The Marine Corps Moms, sisters, wives, brothers. They too are all part of the United States Marine Corps family.

To all my Marine Corps Friends and Family, wether you are still with us or standing your post in  Heaven, especially this month; in November, I remember you all with a special place in my heart. For all you have done and all you continue to do; for all of us, in the cause of Freedom I say:

Semper Fidelis!

As Always...

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