Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Time for Kids

Today is my oldest son's birthday. He is 30. I thought it would be appropriate to talk about a subject that has been bothering me for some time. I'm sure it bothers other parents too. Well, I'm sure it bothers most other parents. I say most because it is parents who perpetrate the crime in question.

I am speaking of the willful abuse and neglect of children. I occasionally tune the television to such programs as Steve Wilcos and am just sickened by the acts of abuse some of these "adult" parents are accused of.

Just the other day, a "man" was accused of shoving a baby wipe down a child's throat. It was only through the quick action of medical personnel that the poor child survived. The male adult in this case swore repeatedly that he  had nothing to do with the injury to the child. The polygraph showed that the individual did indeed try and murder the child in question.

In another case, a "boyfriend" was accused of hurting a child. The mother of the child did not believe that he would have done such a thing and accused the 3 year old of lying. It was only after a second incident that the couple came on television and the boyfriend was exposed. Oh, the girlfriend stayed with him. How does that happen?

I don't care who you are. Touch one of my children or now, my Granddaughter and you had better run for your life. I will hunt you down and kill you in the most painful way imaginable. Believe me, I have a good imagination.

I don't understand any parent who doesn't have the same attitude about the protection of their children. Is the "pleasure" of having a boyfriend so important that you would give up your child's welfare?

No one forces you to have children. you can give your children up for adoption if you can't raise them. There is always someone who will raise a child. To abuse a child is an affront to nature. I don't get religious in my blogs. I believe that my beliefs are personal and private but I will publish this belief. Children are gifts from God himself! It is our responsibility to love them and protect them.

When it comes to child abuse: once the accusation is made, the accused is guilty until proven innocent as far as I am concerned. You get the accused abuser away from the child and make sure there is no contact with anyone in the family until a full investigation has shown that the accusation is false.

I realize that in this country we believe that you are innocent until proven guilty but, in the case of children, I do not believe in taking chances.

1 or 2 generations ago, attitudes were different. Problems of abuse were taken care of privately. There was some kind of shame associated with the problem. Fortunately, our society has evolved and we no longer hide this sort of crime. The only way to stop an abuser is to expose him/her to the full light of day.

Oh, by the way, once a child abuser is exposed, I believe that there should be no mercy shown. That abuser did not show any mercy to the defenseless baby, why should we?

I'm glad my son has his birthday today. I'm glad he is with us 30 years today. I'm thankful for him being in my life. I will take care of him until the day I die. I've always felt that way and always will.

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