Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Nothing in Particular

I was spending the day after physical therapy trying to decide what to write about today. I realize that this is a personal blog and I shouldn't worry about whether anyone else reads it but, I do. I try to make the blog entertaining. Maybe I need to stop trying.

So, as I was pondering the subject of today's blog (I love the word "Ponder". It reminds me of Winnie the Pooh.) Oops, I digress. As I was pondering the subject of today's missive, I was reminded that we needed to go to the Commissary. We have a very nice, brand new Commissary. Just weeks after it opened, we experienced a government shutdown and couldn't use it, so now, I use it as often as possible.

You can meet some interesting people in the commissary. Today was a good day to meet someone. As it turned out, I did and in a very dramatic way.

So, here I am with my daughter, minding my own business, rolling down the isle (condiments, I believe) when from my left, I am jostled and a very attractive woman nearly winds up in my lap! Well, she jumped up and in an embarrassed tone apologized for giving me an unsolicited hug. Being a gentleman, I took the blame and used my left eye blindness as an excuse. We both laughed and I told her that this would make a good subject for my blog.

We chatted for a minute or two as her husband just stood there, at the end of the isle and laughed at his wife. My daughter and I continued on our way but every time we encountered the nice lady from the condiment isle, she kind of blushed and giggled for a second. My daughter wondered where her old Papa got such prowess with women. I told her that I am just me and when you nice to people, they respond for the most part, in kind.

It was a nice little interlude in an otherwise very routine day.

PT went well at the Naval Hospital. The Corpsman was very pleased with my progress. We had a routine session and I gave them the leftovers of my son's birthday cake. After all, Sailors love cake! It pays to be nice to the people that have the power to create a lot of pain in one's life.

My son is really enjoying his birthday present. His mother and I got him an "RC" Helicopter. There's a good story behind this.

Several years ago, while my oldest daughter's bulldog was still living with us, my son had a radio controlled helicopter. One day, he was playing with it, kind of near the bulldog. Any time the toy would get to close to the dog, she would start to bark kind of quietly. You know those little barks dogs can make, sort of as a warning.

I had just told my son that he needs to stop with the toy because it was bothering the dog when he allowed the copter to get a little to close to the animal. Sarah (Bulldog's name) jumped up and in one motion she clamped the offending aircraft in her mighty jaws and pinned it to the ground as she ripped it apart. The only thing left was the green blinking running light from the bottom of the toy. It looked like a scene from "Godzilla". Stephen Spielberg could not have directed a better scene if he had wanted to. It's a shame I didn't have a video camera handy. This would have gone viral if I could have posted it on "YouTube".

Anyway, my son had always wanted to replace the Helicopter that the dog destroyed and since she now lives in my daughter's home and not with us, it seemed like a good time to replace it.

Of course, there is a moral to this story. Don't make a bulldog angry. We all still laugh at the thought of this sweet dog tearing the toy apart.

Well, that's all for today. Leftover birthday lasagna for dinner tonight. I hope you all have a great evening.

As Always...

1 comment:

  1. Left over lasagna and a demolished helicopter...I followed this completely :)
