Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Go bake some bread

Today is election day. Thank God! My phone has been silent all day. The thing I hate most about the election season, especially the day before the election is; the never ending phone calls! It seemed to me that every 5 minutes, my phone rang yesterday with some pollster or another calling. I especially love the very personal messages our state representatives deliver when their machines call.  To me, there is nothing more personal than a recorded message from a politician. I live for those calls. Don't you all?

So, here in Virginia, the polls opened at 6 o'clock this morning and will close at 8 tonight. The decisions have been made and people are standing out in the chilly weather to cast their ballots. I'll go later and vote when my son gets home. It shouldn't be to crowded.

In the mean time, I was looking at various news items on line and came across one that peaked my interest. According to this web story, Navy Seals are not permitted to wear the "Don't tread on me" flag on their Navy uniforms. The story went on to say that the Obama Administration thinks that the flag is "To Radical". I'm intrigued.

Having worn a Navy uniform in one form or another since the age of 12, I searched my memory for where on the Navy uniform that particular flag would be worn. Now, I am getting older but, I don't believe that I have developed any unusual memory loss. I don't recall any place on a Navy uniform  that that flag would be worn.

As an aside: The "Don't Tread on Me" flag was last used aboard U.S. Navy Ships in the Bicentennial Celebration era (1975-1977). This comemorative flag was flown from the "Jack Staff" (The flag pole at the very bow of the ship, in port.)  it was flown in place of the Union Jack, which normally flies in port.

  In all my Naval experience, I have never seen the "Don't tread on me" flag worn on any Navy uniform. However, maybe my mind is going. After all, I spend hours each day at a computer, writing to people I have no idea are going to read what I write. So, maybe I have gone crazy. But, not so crazy that I forgot how to check things.

After a little digging, I found U.S. Navy Uniform Regulations on line. Imagine that! The regulations talk about a lot of things but in no place does it even mention the "Don't tread on me" flag. Now, I realize that I could have just gone to a few web sites run by civilians and found that this story was not only bogus but stupid but, I wanted to go to the source so there would be no confusion. By the way, if you want our Sailors to be permitted to wear this particular flag on their uniforms, you can write to
the Secretary of the Navy.  I'm sure your suggestion will be forwarded to the Navy Uniform Board.

So, that puts the stupid news to bed for today. I really wish that the people who wish to make the current administration look bad would at least make up believable stories when they fib. Honestly, the administration doesn't need help looking bad. Like most, they do a good job of that themselves.

In the mean time, my house smells really nice because my daughter is baking bread for a Church Bazaar.  She is making several  loaves of Italian bread along with an assortment of rolls, including Pretzel Rolls. The smell of baking bread almost makes me forget the pain in my shoulder!

Baking bread is very therapeutic. It requires lots of skill and concentration. You get a good little work out too, when you knead the dough. I hope she saves us a loaf to go with dinner tonight.

So, today I've had a little bit of fun with you all. Be careful of what you believe when you read a story on line. Remember what the great showman P.T. Barnum said: "There's a sucker born every minute." Well, maybe he didn't really say that but, that's the story and I'm sticking to it.

Happy Election Day. Vote Early and Vote Often!

As Always...

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