Monday, November 11, 2013

Veteran's Day

I am an American Sailor. For most of my life, I have worn the uniform of my country. I've sailed in nearly every ocean and visited most every land. I've helped keep my ship afloat and seen her weapons fired in anger.

I've witnessed the many wonders of this country and the world. From the breathtaking beauty of the calm sea in the morning as the sun rises, to the contradiction of crushing poverty amongst the most wealthy of the world.

In peace and conflict, with my brothers and sisters, I have served this great country of ours. I am a veteran.

Many take my brothers and sisters in arms for granted. Many do not know what it takes to serve an idea. Yes. You see, we serve the idea of this country. We do not serve a person. Veterans have served all the people of our country. We do not take an oath to serve a President. We must obey his orders but we protect the Constitution of the United States.

Imagine that. We swear to protect a set of laws that sets out what this country is. The idea of freedom. Unless you have seen a lack of freedom, you can't imagine what that might be like. How do you serve an idea? Better yet, how do you prepare to lay down your life for that idea? Freedom.

Freedom is a powerful word with a more powerful meaning. From all over the world, people come to America to experience freedom, even today. The media will have us believe that we are universally disliked around the world. Untrue. Some political policies may be unpopular here or there but, notice that we do not have to put up walls to keep people from leaving. We have people coming here, in droves. For an idea. For freedom.

The uniform of the United States Solider, Sailor, Airmen, Marine or Coast Guardsmen is universally recognized around the world. The reason is simple. Americans have always answered the call of our country.

Very few will have the day to themselves on this Veterans Day. Unless you are a bank worker or a government employee, chances are you will work today. My older brother took Veteran's day off several years ago. The next day, his boss angrily asked him where he was the day before. Mickey replied: : "It was Veteran's Day. I'm a Veteran. I took the day off!"

His boss was flabbergasted. He replied incredulously: "Well, I'm a Veteran!"

Mickey didn't miss a beat. He said: "You should have taken the day off too!"

If you are fortunate enough to have the day off. Enjoy it!  I say, "Thank you for your unselfish service to us all."

If you have to go to work, seek out a Veteran and thank him or her.

For the families of all the Veterans, a special thanks to you also. You too served, without a uniform.

As Always...

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