Thursday, November 21, 2013

Let's just keep those decorations up all year long.

I love the holiday season. Particularly, I love Christmas. I don't say "Happy Holidays." I say "Merry Christmas." Christmas is the best time of year, in my opinion.

The above being said, I must add that there are some aspects of Christmas that I absolutely abhor. My number 1 pet peeve is the early, way too early display of Christmas decorations in retail stores. This year, some stores started with their "Holiday" displays at the end of  August! You've got to be kidding me. August! Really? There are no other decorations the retailers can use besides Christmas?

In my family, there has been a long standing rule that you can not even mention Christmas until the day after Thanksgiving. You will not find Christmas cheer in my home until the turkey from Thanksgiving has been dispatched to it's fate. Do not even speak of Christmas until then.

Do the retailers really believe we need a reminder of Christmas in August? Why don't we act like Aunty Mame and do up a little Christmas in July? My sister and I sang in our school choirs as kids. As it turns out, although we went to different schools, we sang a lot of the same traditional Christmas Carols (in latin). You may be surprised but, when I was pre-teen, I had a soprano singing voice. My sister sang alto. We would practice singing together in the summer. It would drive our mother crazy that the two of us were singing "Adeste Fideles" (Oh Come all ye Faithful), in latin in August when it was 105 degrees outside. Ah...Memories.

But, singing with my sister was not designed to sell anything. The two of us singing together was our "Play." It was just something Older sister and little brother did together. We also went to voice lessons together.

My point, as far as retailers is concerned is simple. Please refrain from putting up "Holiday" decorations until after at least the second week of November. Give the poor public a break. I realize that I can't expect the retailers to wait until after Thanksgiving, but the second week of November would be reasonable.

Another thing that is kind of a peeve of mine is the "Happy Holidays" greeting everyone seems to use now. Not being one for political correctness, I pay no attention to it. If I know someone is Christian, I wish them a  Merry or Happy Christmas. My jewish friends get a heartfelt "Happy Hanukkah." I am not familiar with the holidays of the Muslim faith however, if I had a friend whom I knew to be Muslim, I would find out what and when the holidays are and give the appropriate salutation. You see, that's what friends do. They go out of their way to make other friends feel welcome and included. I just think that a Generic "Happy Holidays" is a watered down greeting as most politically correct statements are. 

Sure, I agree that if you are sending out a ton of Cards and you don't want to separate the various greetings for each person, "Happy Holidays" is just fine. I don't mind that at all. But when you are dealing with someone face to face, take the time to know that person and give them the appropriate salutation. I think most people would appreciate the effort. If they don't, you may want to reevaluate the relationship.

Well, I think I've said my peace on the subject of "Christmas Decorations" in stores and greetings too. Just a warning, I may attack other issues of political correctness again. So, stand by, buckle your seat belt and wrap yourself in a warm blanket. You might just need to stay warm and cozy because, I can be cold in the face of dumb.

As Always...

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