Thursday, November 14, 2013

Who died and put you in charge?

Ok folks. Things have gotten ridiculous again. First we have a Secretary of the Navy who wants all Sailors to wear the same uniform regardless of gender (I'm sorry, women are built differently than men). He says he wants to see "Sailors" not "Male and Female" Sailors. It doesn't matter that the surveys shows most of the women hated having to wear the "Unisex", "Male Looking" uniform.
Political Correctness run amok!

The other day I saw a story on line that a group of citizens wants A & E to drop the popular "Duck Dynasty" because they pray and use guns while on the air! Oh NO! Imagine the horror! Using a weapon to kill ducks and praying to their God afterwards. I have no idea what they might be thinking. All this is going on, on television! What should we do?

Well, if I don't like something, I stop using it, watching it, reading, listening or eating it! I don't punish the rest of our society by trying to have it banned.  Look; I don't watch the program in question. I never have. But, I do understand that it is wildly popular. Fine. I don't care what they do. But, if you would like to watch it, check your local listings. I'll find something else to do while you watch.

What exactly is the objection to using guns and praying while on television? Do the people who object not like the taste of duck? Wild duck is some yummy stuff.  Do they only eat "farm raised" duck? Maybe they don't eat meat?

Oh wait. I know! They believe that their food comes from the food fairy. It magically appears in the grocery store, shrink wrapped and ready for sale. There is no ugly killing of the animal involved. So, if the source of the food is not an issue because food is magically produced; the objection must be to prayer on television. Hmmm, let's look at this, shall we?

1. Is prayer against the law? I don't think so. Prayer has not been outlawed in the United States, yet. I think I would have heard about it. If it has been outlawed, someone please let me know. I pray all the time. I'd like to know if I am breaking the law.

2. Is prayer on TV objectionable? Well, I imagine that would depend on who you are. For me, I don't care what's on TV. My televisions  come with this really neat device. You may have heard of it. It's something new. It's called a "remote control". Modern remotes have batteries but the originals have been around for something like 60 years and they did not require batteries. The devices do an amazing thing. They give you, the viewer the ability to change the channel without leaving your seat. If you don't want to change the channel, modern remote controls allow you to turn off your television.

When did the Constitution become so perverted in it's meaning that the prohibition of establishment of a religion came to mean: do not acknowledge that any religion exists?

The idea, in this country is that all Religions and beliefs may coexist. One Religion is not better than another. You may go about your business and practice your faith as you please. If you have a television program and you want to pray, go ahead. If someone is offended by that, let them change the channel or at least pull up their panties and suck it up!

This reminds me of the "Moral Majority." They were neither yet, they expected everyone to bow to their will and injected themselves into politics. So, we get to the point.

Politics and religion do not go together. This is exactly why the Constitution is written as it is.  My beliefs may be different than yours. Fine. We both have an equal right to exercise our beliefs, as we choose; as long as we do not infringe upon someone else's liberty. 

We all have the right to change the channel or turn off the television if we don't like a particular program. That's the good thing about life in these United States. We have choices. The idea that a television network would take a particular program off the air because it offends some group of "do gooder" nut bags is silly. If you don't like it, change the channel.

As always...

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