Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A little indulgence...

Are you Lucy, Schroeder or Snoopy? I'd like to think of myself as Snoopy but, I'm afraid I may be Schroeder.

Our pianist friend was singularly driven to play his piano as well as his hero Beethoven. I too, have been accused of being driven to perfection seeking. But, seriously folks, that's not what I want to talk about today.

I  want to talk about guilty pleasures. I chose the three characters above, because Schroeder is playing music and Snoopy is dancing. Lucy is relaxed, listening to the music. You see, I love music.

Being deaf in one ear, it is more difficult for me to enjoy my music than it used to be but, I manage. Don't expect me to hear you when I have headphones on. I've probably got the volume turned up all the way so that I can hear the music.

My taste in tunes is rather eclectic. Although I am not a great country fan, I do enjoy the work of some country singers. Some of the country bands are not to bad in small doses either. I listen to the pop and top 40 of the 60s-90s. I really enjoy the big bands of the 40s and almost any Jazz of any era.

Most of the popular music of today escapes me. Hip hop is beyond me and forget about Rap. I won't even try to listen to it. You can call me old or closed minded but, since my hearing is at a premium and it's my time; I get to decide how I am going to utilize both.

This time of year, I listen to "Christmas" music. There are hundreds of Christmas albums out there (OK, it's digital music now. I know, they are not really albums any more.) My favorite Christmas collection is "A Christmas Portrait" by the Carpenters.

I know some of you may cringe. You either loved or hated the Carpenters. I am firmly in the Love camp. I had a crush on Karen Carpenter since 1969. I cried when she died. What a shame. Alive or dead, I love the Carpenter's Christmas Album.

Music can do so much for us. It can make a tedious task go faster or a boring day more exciting. It adds spice to the movies  and sparks memories when we are sad. To me, there's nothing quite as amazing as Music. I'm very fortunate because in my life, I have been privileged to play music.

So, I hope you will excuse me. I think I will go listen to some Christmas music now.

As Always...

Don't forget Toys for Tots.

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