Friday, December 20, 2013

Cheer Up.

It's been a difficult week here in our house. My wife's uncle died on Sunday and she was away in New Jersey all week. She left last Thursday evening and got home early this morning. That's why this blog is a little late in the day. I sure did miss my dear wife.

As many of you know, we have been together for more than 32 years. To many this seems unusual. I don't know if it is all that unusual in this day but it is what we both envisioned when we stood in front of that Judge in Pensacola, Florida way back in the day. We had both agreed that our marriage was not a disposable thing but rather like a garden that we had to tend and take care of. To be sure, we have had our difficult moments but through it all, we always had each other. Anyway, I missed her terribly and although my children and granddaughter are near I was very lonely.  I'm glad she is home again.

The important thing that my wife did this week was be there for her Dad. I haven't talked much about my Father-in-law here. I love him as if he were my father. He is a true American hero who; as a United States Marine. fought in the Korean war and survived Chosin.  His brother's sudden death was very difficult for him and I am very glad that she was able to be there in his time of need.

So, things are back to "Normal" here now. My wife is over at my oldest daughter's home taking care of her and the little one. It seems that my daughter and granddaughter are both sick! We all know that Mommas are not allowed to get sick. Her husband was going to take the day off of work but my wife insisted that she go over and take care of the sick children. This way, son-in-law doesn't miss work and screw up holiday leave plans. I agree. No matter how old you are, it's usually better to have your Mom take care of you when you are sick. (There are some exceptions).

So, I'm spending the rest of the day listening to music. Music cheers me up and helps me relax. Music gets rid of all of my worries. Today, I am listening to The Eagles. They have to be one of my favorite bands. They seem to be timeless; in my opinion.

When my oldest daughter was in High School, I used to drive her to school every day. She was in a "Magnet" program and was in an out of zone school. It was just easier to drive her to school in the morning. Besides, I enjoy spending time with my kids. Anyway, on with the story.

We were listening to the radio as was our habit.  My daughter got all excited and began to tell me about this great "New" band that she heard. They just released a song called "Love will keep us alive". As I smiled, I asked, in mock surprise; what the name of this "great new" band was. My daughter announced with great excitement in her voice "The Eagles!!"

Fortunately, when she got to this "punch line" we were at a red light. I started laughing so hard that if we had been moving, we would have had an accident. My daughter was perplexed. In her mind, she had just given me some very important and cool information.

After I calmed down and the car was moving again, I calmly told my darling child that the Eagles had been around since the 1970's and I had been listening to them for most of the intervening 30 years. There is nothing "New" about the band.

My very serious daughter was shocked! She said: "Oh, NO! I like the same band as my father!" You would have thought the world was about to end.  I told my daughter that she should fear not. One day, she was going to be a mother and she too would no longer be one of the cool kids. It won't matter.

As we pulled up to the school, my daughter gathered up her things, leaned over and put her arms around my neck and gave me a kiss on the check. As she was getting out of the car she looked at me, smiled and said "I Love you, Daddy. See you when you pick me up."

You see, I may not be cool in her eyes. The world may be coming to an end because she likes the same things as I but, she still will give me a kiss in public and tell me she loves me, regardless of who is watching. As far as I am concerned, that makes me the coolest guy in town.

So, as I write this, I am listening to the Eagles and I remembered this story. More than 10 years after the fact, it still makes me smile.

My friends, I've said it before and I will say it again. I live a modest life but I have a wife and children and a granddaughter who love me. I have a group of friends that I would do anything for and I am privileged to be called their friend. I appreciate each of you and am happy, beyond words that you are all part of my life.

Listen to some music. See what memories come to mind. I hope they make you smile also.

As Always...

Please remember Toys for Tots. It's not to late to donate and make Christmas Merry for someone less fortunate.

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