Monday, December 9, 2013

Sometimes the day just seems to go to...

Did you ever have a day when you just felt like getting your blanket and your puppy and saying "To Heck"* with it all?

Well, the other day seemed like that to me. I don't ask for a lot out of life. No fighting or drama from my family. Get the bills paid. Have a nice hot meal at the end of a day. Finally, give me just a little bit of space in the house that is mine.

I just ask that I have a little corner of the table where I can keep my laptop and my papers and things. No one touch them, please. That's all I want. I've always had this rule. My stuff. Leave it alone! If you want something, just ask. I got stars for sharing in Kindergarden many years ago. I do know how to share.

When I was at the Naval Hospital Friday, I got a print-out of my pending appointments. On Saturday, I went to enter them into my tablet so as not to forget them. I went over to my corner of the table where I knew I had put the paper print-out and what do I find? The print-outs are gone!

How can this be? The important papers were with my things in my area of the room. They were placed in their proper place. After all, the one thing I know how to do is put things where they belong! I always put things away. I always put things back where I got them. But, a search of the entire house, including the trash in the kitchen gave me a negative result. My lists of appointments were gone.

Let me explain something. I am not permitted to get angry or upset. It's not a medical issue. My family will not allow it. If I do get angry or upset, I am asked why am I being such a jerk?*  So, after going into my room and calming down, I come up with a plan.

Just as I am calm, people start to come in the room to ask me if I am OK. I'd be fine if everyone would just leave me alone for 10 minutes. 10 minutes of peace is all I ask. But, of course, I can't get a corner of a table to myself so why would I get 10 minutes of peace and quiet.

Now my wife and daughter are both mad at me because I am being a "Jerk".* Finally, I come out of my room after realizing that I no longer have either a security blanket or a warm puppy to hold and make me feel better. My wife and daughter both ask if I am "better." I inform them that I have a plan and leave things at that.

My plan was to call the clinic where I knew I had my first appointment as soon as they opened and ask them what time my appointment was. After the first appointment I would go to the second clinic and ask what time that appointment was scheduled. I knew that one was in the morning and the other; in the afternoon. At worst, I would look like I can't keep my appointments squared away. Oh, well. My ego will survive.

Promptly at 0632 (They open at 0630. I figure I'd let the receptionist get settled in.) I call to verify my first appointment. We exchange greetings and I identify myself. I explain my problem and tell the kind woman on the other end of the phone who I have my appointment with. She informs me that my appointment was cancelled because my provider has just called in sick!

I guess they were going to wait for a more reasonable hour to call and inform me or have me come in at the appointed time and wait forever like a walk-in. I asked if it would be better to just reschedule the appointment.

Yay! With a sigh of relief the receptionist  tells me, that would be a better idea.  So, I have a new appointment for Friday. It's a good thing that I know all my Physical Therapy exercises and can do them at home. I can't get any more clinic time without this re-evaluation.

I'll call for the time of my second appointment of the day after 0800. I know the appointment is in the afternoon. I wasn't looking forward to going out into the frozen tundra that is outside anyway. It should be a little warmer later.

So, my friends; there is a point to all of this. As you can glean from the above, it turned out well that I had to call this morning. Otherwise, as I write this, I would have been cooling my heels in an uncomfortable waiting room in the Naval Hospital.  What seemed to be a calamity, turned out to be a fortunate circumstance.

Next time, I imagine I should not get so angry that someone had gotten into my things. I'm sure there was no malice in the action of throwing away the print-outs. The problem was solved and it all turned out fine in the end.

But, I still wouldn't mind a nice warm puppy to hug for Christmas. I've got a new blanket!

As Always...

Don't forget to donate to Toys for Tots. It only takes a moment.

*  Language cleaned up for this blog. Feel free to insert expletives as appropriate.

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