Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday, Monday...

The old song says "Monday, Monday; Can't trust that day." Indeed for my family this is indeed one of those Mondays that if I were a person to let my mood ruin the day... Let's just say that my Monday started around 9:30 last night.

It's bad enough that my spouse is away in New Jersey, dealing with a family emergency. But, the emergency came to a head last evening with the death of her Uncle. He had fallen and hit his head last Monday and finally succumbed to the head injury.

For those who knew him, he will be missed. For the rest of us, we can also take comfort in the knowledge that he is meeting his reward, even as I write this.

The point of all of this is very selfish on my part. I miss my wife and wish she did not have to be away any longer. So, my friends, an attitude adjustment is in order.

Although my wife's uncle was elderly, we do indeed need to be reminded that life is short and we do not have any time to waste in self pity or feelings that are negative. As a matter of fact, when a death occurs, it is the perfect time to celebrate your own life and remember those around you and those who have gone before to enrich your life.

The same goes for your day to day attitude. Look, when life gives you lemons, make Lemonade spiked with Vodka if you have to! If you can't drink, please skip the Vodka. What I am saying is, have fun.

You can have fun in any task, all you have to do is look for it. It's all in your head. Gosh, now I sound like Mary Poppins. Well, she was right. A spoon full of sugar does make the medicine go down.

People spend thousands of dollars or more to learn that simple rule. A smile goes a lot further than a frown. It is easier to get things done with a pleasant manner than with a surly one. Simply greet the day with a positive outlook and keep that outlook as the day progresses. You will find that after some time, those around you will begin to be more positive and productivity will improve along with the working environment. People, that's called leadership.

I don't care what your position at work or in life is. We are all leaders. No, you don't get in front of the crowd and say "Follow Me!" as you storm the office manager's door. We call that Mutiny in the Navy. But, by being a positive influence, you can lead your small corner of the world into a more pleasant way of doing things.

Soon, Monday, Monday won't be a day that you can't take any longer. Monday will be just another day where you can take on life as a challenge. You can meet the day with excitement, just like when you were young and innocent and didn't know any better.

So, yes, a part of me feels sadness for all the reasons that I mentioned but, I refuse to let that sadness take over my life and I continue to be a positive influence for those around me. They expect nothing less from me. Just as I do of myself.

As Always...

Don't forget Toys for Tots.  Navy-34 Army-7

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