Thursday, December 26, 2013

It's Boxing Day!

My oh my how time flies. Another Christmas has passed. Presents have been opened and children of all ages are content. Some are taking naps while others play with their new toys.

My Granddaughter received a dolly and just loves her. I think that is her favorite gift. At 16 months old, the boxes seem to hold a great fascination for her. I think one of the best parts of yesterday was when she was given a rather large box and not knowing what to do with it, she climbed up and sat on it! She was very proud of herself and we were all thrilled.

Everyone seemed to be pleased with the gifts that they received. For that, I am very happy. I received a new pair of slip on sneakers. Exactly what I wanted. My wife gave me the latest and greatest cell phone.  A Galaxy Note 3. That indeed was a coveted item. I wouldn't buy such an extravagance for myself and am thrilled that my dear wife got it for me. Many people complain that the screen on this particular phone is to large but, being blind in one eye and afflicted with very poor vision in the other eye makes the larger screen ideal for me.

My oldest daughter and her little family came over in the morning. They brought cinnamon rolls and along with the pancakes and bacon that we made, a wonderful family breakfast feast was had. There's something about having breakfast while the children play (or just one grandchild) that says Christmas to me.

Our dinner of Rare "Who" roast beast with mashed potatoes and creamed spinach was delicious. The home made dinner rolls provided by my youngest daughter really were something special. She used a recipe that came with the Kitchen Aid mixer that she and my wife share as an early Christmas present.  We were all so full, there was no room for desert. I guess we will get to sample the Carrot cake tonight.

Of course, during all this celebration; we took a moment to remember all those who could not be with family because of Duty. As I always do, I remember those who's sacrifice was so great that they have moved on to that mystery of life everlasting. We miss them all.

But, through it all we love each other and our friends. That is really what this celebration is all about. It really doesn't matter what your faith is. What matters is to recognize that this is a season of love for all mankind. I sure wish that it was that easy.

I just watched a movie about the planning of D-day. If you go beyond the politics and the personalities, you can see the amazing military leaders of the time. I always come away with the same thought that maybe one day, we will not need people like those leaders again. but, for now, we are still embroiled in conflicts abroad and military leadership is sadly still required.

But, I digress. the subject of the day is "boxing" day. This day is traditionally a day off for servants and more than that, the masters of the household would serve them! Of course, there are no servants in my house, unless you count me. I guess I would be the butler. But, no matter. We have no gifts to exchange or box up and dinner is planned. It is indeed a day of relaxation.

So, I am going to sit here at home, enjoy my cup of Chocolate Doughnut Coffee and relax. My youngest is playing with her "New" phone. (She got my old one. I have to set up my wife's "new" phone. She is getting my daughter's previously owned iPhone. We waste nothing in our house.

If I could have had one wish for this Christmas, it would have been that all of you could have come here to visit me and we could have had a wonderful great party. Alas, that was not to be so, you will all have to settle for my continued best wishes for health and prosperity and Happiness.

As Always...

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