Saturday, December 7, 2013

Just getting through the busy day with a smile...

It's early Saturday morning and as promised, I'm writing a blog post to make up for the one I missed yesterday. I was listening to music but, I can't listen to music and write at the same time. I get distracted and don't write. I love music.

I can't sing any more I used to sing all the time but, since the heart surgery, I've had this vocal cord problem and so, singing sounds like a frog meeting an alligator. Ugly, right? That's what my singing is: Ugly. It makes me kind of sad. I hear a familiar tune and want to sing along. I try and some kind of horrid noise comes out. I stop and hope no one heard me. It's frustrating after singing my entire life. Ah, well...

Yesterday, while at the Naval Hospital; we gave out a little bit of Christmas goodies. My youngest daughter had made Christmas Sugar cookies, decorated with colored icing and sugar. They looked professionally done to me and reminded me of the cookies you would find in an old fashioned bakery.

Every year, during the holidays, my daughter bakes. We could never eat all the goodies that she makes, although we might try. I certainly can't. My blood sugar goes up just thinking about them. So, we give them to some of the dedicated Hospital Corpsmen and Doctors at the local Naval Hospital. It seems the least we can do for these truly good people. The have after all, saved my life more than once or twice.

We got off the elevator on the second deck of the hospital and were right by the Quarterdeck watch. The young Seaman Apprentice at the desk saw the container of cookies I was carrying and his eyes lit up. So, I stopped and asked him if he would like a Cookie. He happily took one. When we entered the Quarterdeck Office, it had about 10 people in it. They seemed to be sitting around fixing their breakfast in the microwave. More happy faces as they received fresh cookies. I just love this!

Then, it was off to the Cardiology Clinic. These amazing people really had a hand in saving my life and I will be forever grateful. I am a regular patient at that clinic so, I am recognized. When we walked in with cookies, one of the Corpsmen actually stood up and gave a little clap and said "Oh, Goody!" For just a second she was a kid with a Christmas Treat. I will never have problems getting an appointment with my Cardiologist again. The Sailors really enjoyed their unexpected surprise and we were happy to provide.

There is just never enough we can do to thank the dedicated folks at the Naval Hospital for what they have done for me. What they do for our active service personnel can never be measured.

Another group of selfless people I wanted to mention are the U. S. Marine Corps Reservists who administer and are the face of "Toys for Tots." Established in 1947, this holiday charity has become as familiar as the Santa with a bell on street corners and outside department stores.

It's a simple concept. Place a New, in the box toy in the collection box. The Marines will do the rest! The gift will be wrapped and distributed to a child for Christmas. It's a simple idea that works. We've all see the commercials that tug at our heart strings. Tug no more. Just drop a gift in the box. You will make a child very happy.

I was so busy yesterday but, in spite of being busy, I was able to have some fun . Best of all, we brightened some people's day. I always like that. When we were finished giving away cookies, my daughter said to me that I seemed to have fun. You bet I did! Any day I can do something for our folks in uniform is a good day.

Now, if I can just carry that through to the rest of the year.

As Always...

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