Thursday, December 19, 2013

Sometimes you just have to stop and look around...

I got up this morning and as is my habit, I was looking through my Face Book "News Feed". I came across a post from a good friend who lives in Alaska. She had posted this beautiful picture from the local newspaper. (Thanks to the Anchorage Daily News) When I commented on how beautiful the picture was, my friend remarked in an off hand sort of way that it was "just" from a newspaper.

In this day and age where we see nothing but murder and mayhem in our local papers; dissatisfaction with our local and National officials is rampant and gleefully reported in the paper and by other media, it is just a simple pleasure to see a thing of beauty like "Just Alaska" in the paper.

I am sure that there are a lot of drawbacks to living so far removed from the rest of the country. But, you have to admit that it's beautiful. That's the point. You have to sometimes stop and take in the beauty that is all around us.

We live in a vast country with some of the most scenic areas of the world. All you have to do is look around and you will find something. I've got the Atlantic Ocean and the Chesapeake Bay. both scenic, to be sure. Even in winter, these places are amazing to look at.

We have beauty all around us. It doesn't have to be scenery. I'll tell you now that I always get a thrill when I see the face of any one of my children. Seeing my Granddaughter sends me over the moon.

My wife has been away for a week. I miss her terribly. Trust me, I will be very happy to see her when she returns. Beauty is all around us. Isn't it funny that just as I typed that, my phone rang. My wife was calling. I guess after 32 years, she is psychic.

So, my advice for the day is simple. Find the beauty that is all around you. You'd be surprised where you will find it.  It may be as close as your nearest mirror.

As Always...

Don't forget Toys for Tots

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