Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Yes indeed, there is a Santa Claus.

It's interesting to me that in the news was a story of a 5th grade child who "still" believed in Santa. The story went so far as to describe how he tries to convince his classmates of the existence of Santa.

What a cynical society we have become. Why is a child, fighting to hold on to innocence cause for a news story? All children should hold on to that same innocence. I am well into my 50's and I believe in the Santa Claus.

I remember when my youngest daughter was told that Santa was not real. There was some sort of argument going on. Just the usual drama of a good sized family and my oldest son blurted out that Santa was not real. Oh my goodness! What a terrible thing to say. I asked my son if he would then prefer that there were no gifts under the family's Christmas tree that year.

We give gifts for Christmas to show our love and to reenact the original gift giving at the birth of the Christ child. (If you believe as Christians do) But, Gift giving is not strictly a Christian custom.

Over the years, people of many faiths emulate the Christmas traditions by exchanging gifts with family and close friends at this time of year. It's a simple expression of love.

The legend of Santa Claus tells us that he leaves the north pole each Christmas eve and distributes Christmas gifts to "All the good little girls and boys" of the world. The myth also states that he keeps a list of all the children who have been naughty and nice. Yet, somehow, all the children of the household receive a gift. (Well, except my sister the year I gave her fireplace ashes because she had been mean to me one too many times. Mom knew and approved.)

My point is: all children are good in the eyes of their parents as they are in the eyes of God. (Yes, my Catholic Faith is showing.)

Historians and anthropologists can do all the research they wish. They may tell us the actual time of year and the true place of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. Scientists can tell us that the miracles attributed to Jesus were in fact not miracles but occurrences based in scientific fact. That is all well and good. I prefer to believe in my Faith.

My Faith tells me the following:

Luke 2:10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 11For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.

The wise men came bearing gifts for the child.  Because of Love. That is what we reenact on Christmas.

If I can believe all of that on Faith. We can all believe in Santa. You see, the spirit of Santa lives in all of us. Anyone who has the capacity to Love has the spirit of Santa in them. That is where Santa Claus really lives. 

Among all the gifts under our tree, there is always a gift "From: Santa". 

Last week, we were putting together our Christmas Card list. I needed the address of a friend of mine. He happens to be non-Christian. When I asked for his address he replied: "Don't feel obligated to send us a X-mas card this year. We are not sending any." I again asked for my friend's address and explained that I don't send things to people expecting anything in return.

Keep the Spirit of Santa in your heart all year long. Remember that a gift freely given is truly a gift from the heart.

As Always...

Don't forget Toys for Tots

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