Monday, December 23, 2013

They gotta make ya smile!

Well, it's the eve of Christmas Eve or Christmas Eve, Eve; as my kids used to say. It still makes me smile. Friends, that brings us right to the subject of today's blog: Kids and smiles.

I've looked through my social media and found all sorts of pictures of the holidays. Some are of scenery, others of seascapes. By far, the most breathtaking, in my opinion are the pictures with kids. Our children and Grandchildren have a way of bringing the best out of all of us.

Speaking for myself, alone: seeing my children getting along as adults warms my heart.  I guess it's the proximity to Christmas and even as adults they are trying to curry favor with the Saints but, they always seem to get along better after the 15th of December. So, not looking a gift horse in the mouth, I am happy with 10 days or so of peace throughout the kingdom.

My oldest daughter and her husband and daughter live in their own home, of course. They are apart from us and have started their own Kingdom. Fortunately, they are not far removed from us and we can visit as often as we care to. Now they have a "secret weapon" that forever brings smiles from deep within, my little Granddaughter.

She is such a cutie pie. I really do adore that little girl. It's just amazing how quickly grandchildren can find that special spot within us. They tug on those heart strings and that's the end of the ball game. We are theirs. They can ask anything of us and we will move heaven and earth to make it happen.

I have a good friend who lives in Texas. She has been a grandparent for around 5 years. A few years ago, she told me that her Grandson called her and told her that he wanted french fries. She drove 45 minutes to deliver hot, fresh fries to her little Grandson. Now, mind you, I was not a grandparent at the time. I laughed at the story but, thought my friend was crazy. I really thought that she had lost her mind.  I've been a Grandfather for 16 months. I get it completely! If my little granddaughter called me and wanted something that I could provide, I'd drive 5 hours if required to give it to her! It's all about the kids.

I have another friend who has a 3 year old Granddaughter. My friend is just over the moon when she is with that child. I don't blame her at all. Let's forget about the fact that the child is an angel on this earth. She is just a beautiful little girl. She is happy and she is the light of her Grammies' life. They had been separated for a couple of months and just reunited for the holidays. My friend posted a picture of the two of them. Happiness just doesn't cover it. Grandmother and child look so thrilled to be together. You can see it in their eyes. It warms my heart.

I write the other day that Christmas is simply about Love. What is a better expression of Love than our Children and Grandchildren? If you are with your children this Christmas, be glad and count your blessings. If you can not be with your children this Christmas, keep them in your heart. The one constant we must always have in life is the love of our children. There is not really much else.

As Always...

There is still time to donate to Toys for Tots.

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