Wednesday, December 11, 2013

What do you mean: I'm getting older?

Monday was Admiral Grace Hopper's (1906-1992) birthday. She was a hero of mine and stands today as a role model that we can all learn from.

Before I get to my point, let me tell you a little about this amazing woman and Naval Officer. She joined the Naval reserve in 1942. In 1955 she applied for transfer to the regular navy and her request was disapproved due to her age. She reported in an interview that this was the first time she was ever told she was to old for anything.

The future RDML retired from the Naval Reserve in 1966 only to be recalled to active duty. She was promoted to the rank of Captain in 1970. In 1983 she gained the attention of National Leaders and was appointed a Commodore in the Navy. This rank was later renamed Rear Admiral (Lower Half) (RDML). Admiral Hopper retired from the Navy that she loved for the final time at the age of 79. She did not volunteer for retirement.

Grace Hopper was part of the team that developed the machine language COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language). She is also responsible for the term "Bug" in a program that is not properly working.

Admiral Hopper died in 1992 and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

Anyone who uses a computer should know the name "Grace Hopper". She is one of the reasons we have the computers we do today.

I had the privilege of meeting Grace Hopper when I was stationed at the Pentagon shortly after she was elevated to "Flag" rank. (That's promoted to Rear Admiral for those of you who don't speak Navy.) She had a direct speaking style and was not intimidated by rank or position. A phrase she loved to use was "It is easier to ask forgiveness than to ask permission."

What she was talking about was being a leader. She was always a leader. at the age of nearly 80 she was still serving our Navy and the Nation, leading and inspiring those she encountered. She inspired everyone she came in contact with regardless of rank. Seaman to Admiral; PVT to General, it didn't matter. She would tell it like it was and do it with a smile or a stern look if need be.

This all leads me to my point today. Many of you know that I will have to go into the hospital again for surgery on my vocal cord. This time the surgery is very invasive. I will have to spend the night in the hospital and the whole thing doesn't sound very pleasant if you take the doctor at her word.

Because of this news, since Monday, I've been feeling kind of "old" and sorry for myself. I've got to tell you, that stops here and now. If people like Grace Hopper can keep going until the age of 85, there is certainly no way I am going to let something like a surgery keep me down.

I don't like feeling down. I try to remain upbeat most of the time but, at heart I am a serious person. I have always taken my responsibilities seriously and I have worked very hard to take my health seriously in the last year. But, for some reason I let this news get to me.

I found a cure for those blues. Yesterday I spent the afternoon with my little granddaughter. She spent time sitting next to me and having fun with the rest of our family. I am not going to be a grumpy old person. That  is not how I want my little granddaughter to remember me.

As Always...

Don't forget to donate to Toys for Tots.

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