Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Some things should not "fade" into history.

This past Saturday was the Anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Even 72 years later, the date: December 7, should be a National Day of Remembrance. I'm sure it won't happen because it is not politically correct.

3 generations removed from the infamous day, school children are hardly taught the date and it's significance in school. It is indeed sad. Our status as a "Super Power" was brought about by our entry into the second "Great War."

The importance of learning modern history can not be overstated in my opinion. I truly do believe that those who fail to learn from history are indeed doomed to repeat it. History is a roadmap to our future. Ignore it at our peril.

The world's greatest generation is more quickly disappearing. Old age is finally catching up to those heroes who gave so much to civilization so that we may feast at that table we call freedom and prosperity.

Yes I say prosperity along with our freedom because even with the country's economy in as poor shape as it is, we are indeed still a land of plenty. I know, I looked in my fridge and freezer today. We will not be going hungry any time soon.

World War II not only pulled this country out of the Great Depression but, thrust the United States on to the world stage to make it a world power.

But, the cost has been great. Those aboard the great battleship Arizona remain as a testament to the American Spirit which was awakened on that fateful morning in 1941. Their memory and sacrifice does not deserve to fade into history.

Those entombed aboard Arizona remind us that wether we have worn the uniform of this Nation or not, we are all heirs to the sacrifice of blood which forged this country.

I am in no way saying that war should be glorified or celebrated. On the contrary, those who served prior to the attack of December 7th held out hope that war would not come. War was the last thing they wanted. But, if was to come, they were willing to stand on the front lines and do the fighting.

There was a draft in those days. There is not a draft now. We have an all volunteer military force. The lessons of history and especially of December 7th are even more important today.

As Always...

Don't forget to donate to Toys for Tots.

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