Thursday, December 12, 2013

It's not combat... Not even close!

Following celebrities is all well and good. Many people love to live vicariously through the exploits and accomplishments of various celebrities of whatever ilk.

I understand that these celebrities think that their jobs are the most important in the world and that we could not live without them if they fell out of the "Scene". To that end, many of them do outrageous things to stay in the public eye and hold on to that spotlight.

Please note that I say many, not all. There are quite a few movie actors, singers stage actors and the like whom you never hear about until they have a new property to promote. I am speaking of those who do everything from the ridiculous to the down right stupid and moving quickly to the dangerous just to stay in the public eye.

The world lamented the death of Whitney Huston as a great tragedy. I don't look at it that way. I look at it as a crime. She had an amazing talent that she squandered. For whatever reason, I don't care. I am not familiar with her personal demons and frankly, I'm not interested. She had the resources to get whatever help she required . That help would have been provided at the highest quality. Instead, she pulled the wool over everyone's eyes and continued on the path to self destruction. Like so many celebrities, she believed that she was immune from harm and exempt from consequence. Now, she is dead by her own hand. I do not mourn her.

An actor recently died in an horrific car crash. Paul Walker was famous in own right, I'm told. He got in a car with an intoxicated driver. The vehicle was traveling at an excessive rate of speed on surface streets and the intoxicated driver lost control. Another death. Another case of lack of personal responsibility. Mr. Walker's family complained that Porsche admitted that the vehicle in question was not safe at high speeds in excess of 90 MPH. I've got news for anyone who doesn't know: No car is safe at speeds in excess of 90 MPH on surface streets. Sorry, that's just the way it is. This death was due to lack of responsibility.

Tom Cruise and more recently Kanye West have likened their jobs and the difficulty of their work with combat. I do not know how these two remain employed. Forget the fact that I think both of these individuals are clowns. You could not pay me to listen to Mr. West's music. I was never a fan of Cruise's.

Both these celebrities are the prime examples of overgrown egos. Do they really think that their contribution to our culture is so important that if they fell off the face of the earth today, next week; anyone would remember who they were?

To be sure, they may work hard. But, they do not put their lives in danger to serve or protect anyone or anything other than their own self-interest. Anyone who doubts this can take a day trip to their local military or VA hospital and see people who have withstood combat.

Many don't need to go that far. Look across your living room at your veteran Husband, Son, Grandson, Brother, Daughter, Granddaughter or other family member. They have stood the watch. They have walked the patrol. They have faced the perils that this life can offer and stood up and asked for more.

They did not ask to do this for money. They did not take on this burden in a vain search for fame. Each entered the crucible of combat because they had a sense of duty. That duty was be part of something larger than themselves. It was larger than their unit or branch of service. Their duty was larger than the Country.

The idea of freedom is why we serve. It is why we are willing to enter combat and sacrifice everything. We do this not for our own freedom but for the freedom of all.

These are ideals that the fame seeking celebrities will never understand. To those foolish enough to think that whatever they are doing is akin in the slightest way to combat, I laugh and remind them that they are permitted to make their silly statements because of those who did indeed stand that post or walk that patrol in real combat. Not the fantasy combat of the celebrity mind.

I had intended to keep my blogs for this month of December in more of a Holiday vein but, these were things weighing on my mind. I will say this:

I have stood the watch and have been honored to know many more who have stood that same watch. We stood the watch of freedom so that those at home could celebrate this holiday of Peace and Forgiveness. Many did not return from their duty and for them, I will never stop mourning.

For all who have returned and will return, I am honored and humbled to stand among you.  For the families of those who serve, I have no words that express my admiration and respect for the sacrifices you also make each day.

As Always...

Don't forget to donate to Toys for Tots.

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